
  1. 陈水总的哥哥接受《南方都市报》的采访时表示,陈水总多次向当地政府申请修正其户口信息,但都徒劳无功。

    Chen 's brother told the newspaper , Southern Metropolis , Chen had petitioned local government many times to fix his paper work to no avail .

  2. 厦门警方在嫌犯的家中查获了遗书,证实了陈水总因为自我感觉生活不如意,悲观厌世而纵火,以发泄个人不满。

    Xiamen police found notes in the suspect 's house , which showed that Chen was unhappy and pessimistic about his life , and planned the arson to vent personal grievances .