
  • 网络Chen Yongsheng;Yong-Shen Chen
  1. 救护队员陈永生告诉记者,被困人员在井下靠吃木屑,树皮,喝凉水来维生。

    The workers survived underground by subsisting on sawdust , tree bark and turbid water , rescuer Chen Yongsheng told reporters .

  2. 陈永生是一名救援队队长,他周日晚进入透水矿道并在井下呆了17个小时。

    One rescue team leader , Chen Yongsheng , who reached the water-blocked shaft Sunday night and sta below for17 hours , later described what he saw to CCTV .

  3. 陈永生是一名救援队队长,他周日晚进入透水矿道并在井下呆了17个小时。后来他向中国中央电视台描述了自己见到的场景。

    One rescue team leader , Chen Yongsheng , who reached the water-blocked shaft Sunday night and stayed below for 17 hours , later described what he saw to CCTV .

  4. 陈永生说井下水面之上只有一米的空间,他和他的队员乘着仅能容纳五人的小船避开井下的设备,绕过通道狭小的夹角,在水流中奋力向前,一次次地把幸存矿工解救出来。

    Navigating around equipment , the shaft 's sharp angle and struggling against the flowing water , Chen said his crew ferried out survivors in boats that could only seat five at a time through the meter-high space