
  • 网络chennault;Claire Chennault;Claire Lee Chennault;C.L.Chennault
  1. 1939年,他聘请美国退役的陆军飞行员陈纳德建立遗址中国的空军。

    He hired Claire Lee Chennault , a retired US army air Force captain in1939 to build a Chinese air force .

  2. 陈纳德将军和二战时期的飞虎队

    Claire Chennault and the Flying Tigers of World War II

  3. 摩根士丹利有传闻称,其董事长兼首席执行官裴熙亮(PhilipPurcell)乐意与美国运通合并,并最终把控制权交到陈纳德先生手中。

    Gossip at Morgan Stanley is that Philip Purcell , chairman and chief executive , would love to merge with American Express and eventually hand over the reins to Mr Chenault .

  4. 几周前,我有机会和陈纳德(kenchenault)坐在一起,这位美国运通(americanexpress)首席执行官和蔼可亲,但非常自律(巧的是,他以前曾是一位篮球明星)。

    A few weeks ago , I had a chance to sit down with Ken Chenault , the affable but highly disciplined chief executive officer of American Express ( and , it so happens , a former basketball star ) .

  5. 但是,去年收购英国资产管理公司斯瑞尼德(Threadneedle)的举措,突出表明陈纳德先生决心提供更多可供销售的内部产品,来建立这一业务。

    However , last year 's purchase of UK asset manager Threadneedle underlines Mr Chenault 's determination to build the business by giving it more in-house products to sell .

  6. 一架C-46运输机飞越驼峰到达印度基地为陈纳德将军的第14航空队运送物资。

    C-46 returns over " The Hump " to India for another load of supplies for Chennault's14th Air Force .

  7. 对陈纳德来说,虚拟交易的未来世界令人兴奋不已。

    For Mr Chenault this future world of virtual transactions looks extremely exciting .

  8. 肯尼斯•陈纳德,美国运通董事长兼首席执行官

    Kenneth Chenault , chairman and CEO , American Express

  9. 陈纳德将军因肺癌于1958年逝世。

    But Chennault died of lung cancer in1958 .

  10. 史迪威、陈纳德是二战时期中美友谊的体现者和历史见证人。

    Stilwell and Chennault were the agents of and witness to this kind the friendship .

  11. 1947年,陈纳德将军与中央社记者、中国名媛陈香梅小姐结为伉丽。

    In1947 , general Chennault married Miss Chen xiangmei , a reporter of Central News agency .

  12. 与陈纳德将军共同生活的11年是我一生中最宝贵的日子。

    The11 years of the marriage with General Chennault was the most precious time in my life .

  13. 陈纳德先生说,结果在2003年,美国运通成功令其业务扩展速度超过许多同类公司。

    As a result , Mr Chenault says American Express managed to expand its business much faster than many in2003 .

  14. 1946年,陈香梅遇到了当时著名的战斗英雄,也是她未来的丈夫陈纳德将军。

    In1946 , Anna met her future husband General Claire Chennault , who was a major war hero in China .

  15. 同样的,加速实施在中国境进行施大规模地面进攻的战役计划同陈纳德的空中进攻计划也产生了冲突。

    Likewise , plans for the expedited development of an offensive Chinese ground capability clashed with Chennault 's air campaign initiatives .

  16. 史迪威和陈纳德对于补给物资分配上的争议实际上是该战区军事策略分歧的冰山一角。

    The conflict between the priorities of Stilwell and those of Chennault set the stage for another major dispute over theater strategy .

  17. 陈纳德将军指挥机队英雄歼敌,所向披靡,被人们誉为飞虎队。

    The air group led by General Chennault swept away all obstacles in the battles and was praised as " Flying-Tiger Group " .

  18. 但陈纳德先生利用这个时机加快实施一项重组计划,该计划是他在2000年接任首席执行官一职不久后启动的。

    But Mr Chenault used the opportunity to speed up a restructuring programme he had initiated soon after taking over as chief executive in2000 .

  19. 今晚,让我们深感荣幸的是,“飞虎队”队长陈纳德将军的夫人陈香梅女士和女儿陈美丽女士就在现场。

    And tonight , we are honored to have with us the wife and daughter of General Chennault , Madam Anna Chennault and Cynthia Chennault .

  20. 摩德纳的大教堂、市民塔和大广场陈纳德航空队曾经广泛地参战⑶。

    The Cathedral , Torre Civica and Piazza Grande , Modena Chennault 's air fleet took an extensive part in the civil war . [ 3 ]

  21. 陈纳德得到美国总统罗斯福的允许可以从美国陆军、海军招募飞行员作为民用飞行员。

    Chennault got permission from US president Roosevelt to hire American pilots from US army , US navy and US marines as well as civilian pilots .

  22. 陈纳德确信,与软件、科技和媒体公司结盟,对美国运通那著名的“绿色”信用卡的未来至关重要。

    Mr Chenault is convinced that teaming up with software , tech and media companies is crucial to the future of that famous green credit card .

  23. 陈纳德成功的获得了罗斯福总统的支持,动用空中力量简洁迅速的夺取胜利,从而绕开问题重重的中国军队。

    Chennault had secured President Roosevelt 's support by promising a quick , cheap victory through air power that avoided relying on the problem-ridden Chinese Army .

  24. “显然,9.11事件对全世界来说是个破坏性事件,而从小范围来看,它严重打击了我们公司,”陈纳德说。

    " Obviously , 9 / 11 was a devastating event for the world and on a parochial basis it hit our company very hard ," he says .

  25. 过去,美国运通的“金融超市”模式已证明是灾难性的,而陈纳德先生是否想让美国运通回归这种模式,那就是另一回事了。

    Whether Mr Chenault would want to return American Express to the " financial supermarket " model which proved so disastrous for it in the past is another matter .

  26. 1942年4月,陈纳德被任命为美国陆军航空兵的准将,并负责指挥在中国的所有美国航空部队。

    In April , 1942 , Chennault was commissioned a brigadier general in the US army air force and was given overall responsibility for all American air forces in China .

  27. 我们这一代中国人都不会忘记陈纳德将军的飞虎队,不会忘记飞虎队帮助中国人民抗击日寇侵略的历史。

    Our generation of Chinese people will not forget General Chennault 's Flying Tigers , will not forget the Flying Tigers to help the Chinese people 's fight against Japanese aggression history .

  28. 尽管史迪威也认识到第14航空队在支援中国军队的战斗中所体现出的巨大价值,但他仍为陈纳德到处兜售其野心勃勃的空中进攻计划感到不满。

    Although he recognized the value of the support of the Fourteenth Air Force to the Chinese Army , Stilwell was increasingly frustrated by Chennault 's success in selling his ambitious air campaign .

  29. 为了颂扬陈纳德将军的精神与伟绩以及我们对和平的祈盼祝愿,今天我们在这飞虎队员们曾经战斗并取得无数战役胜利的地方为陈纳德将军的雕像揭幕。

    Today we unveil his statue in the land where the Flying Tigers has fought and won a lot of battles before to pay tribute to him and to show our yearning for peace .

  30. 在组建三十个美械师,包括动用Y部队在中国南部发动攻势的计划推迟的同时,陈纳德四处游说,向所有人宣传以中国为基地扩大空中攻势的计划。

    While the Thirty Division plan , which included the Y-Force in southern China , remained behind schedule , Chennault continued to lobby all who would listen for expanded air operations from China bases .