
  1. 今年才15岁的陈若琳,2007年墨尔本世锦赛的亚军,今年进步很大。

    The15-year-old Chen , silver medalist of the event in2007 Melbourne Worlds , has been having a good year .

  2. 年轻的跳水运动员陈若琳在周四的10米跳台决赛中获得金牌。

    China recaptured the women's10m platform title at Beijing Olympic Games as teenager diver Chen Ruolin claimed the gold here on Thursday .

  3. 周二,王鑫和陈若琳在女子双人10米跳台比赛中轻松夺冠,为中国取得了第三场跳水比赛的胜利。

    Wang Xin and Chen Ruolin gave China its third straight victory in diving , easily winning the women's10-meter synchronized competition on Tuesday .

  4. 中国跳水名将陈若琳与搭档刘蕙瑕在女子双人10米台决赛中将金牌收入囊中,这是“梦之队”在里约奥运会的第三金。

    Chen Ruolin and Liu Huixia of China won gold in the women 's synchronized 10 meter platform diving event at the Rio Games . It 's the third Olympic diving gold for China .