
jiàng chén
  • dust fall
降尘[jiàng chén]
  1. 基于MATLAB的灰色模型在广州市降尘预测中的应用

    Gray Model GM ( 1,1 ) Based On MATLAB Language and Its Application in the Prediction of Dust Fall in Guangzhou City

  2. 降尘中PAHs来源与降水中类似,主要来源于薪柴燃烧,另外还存在石油泄漏源和混合来源等。

    The sources of PAHs in dust fall were similar with the precipitation , but there were the source of leak of oil and mix source .

  3. 用PAN分光光度法检测土壤和降尘中铜的含量

    Spectrophotometric determination of copper in soil and airborne dust particulates by using PAN

  4. 兰州城区TSP高浓度污染与自然降尘的关系

    Relationship of Severe TSP Pollution and Natural Dustfall in Lanzhou City

  5. 应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术分析了焦作市城区大气降尘污染状况。

    The geography information system ( GIS ) technology was applied to deal with the pollution state of atmospheric dust fall in Jiaozuo City of Henan Province .

  6. 应用ICP-MS测定大气降尘中有毒重金属的化学形态

    Identifying the Chemical Speciation of Toxic Heavy Metals in Dustfall Through ICP-MS

  7. 长春市TSP与降尘中汞含量及其对地面汞贡献的比较研究

    Mercury Concentration of Total Suspended Particulates and Dustfall in Changchun City and Its Distribution to the Surface

  8. 青海共和盆地降尘观测与~(137)Cs测定的初步结果

    Dust Deposition and Its Measurement by ~ ( 137 ) Cs in The Gonghe Basin , Qinghai Province , China

  9. 由于污染防治措施的落实,虽TSP和降尘有增加趋势,但增加的不显著。

    But the increasing of TSP and dust is not remarkable because of implementing of pollution control measures .

  10. 经检验,TSP预测线性回归方程及自然降尘预测线性回归方程均显著,预测结果具有较高的可信度。

    With magnificent outcome of TSP 's prediction on linear equation and natural suppression 's prediction on the same formula , proved its feasibility .

  11. 大气降尘中较多石膏(大于10%)的存在,说明大气SO2污染比较严重。

    There exists plenty of gypsum in atmospheric particulates , which account for the fact that SO 2 pollution is relatively severe in Hefei area .

  12. 降尘中铅含量变化范围在38.1mg/kg到349.4mg之间,平均值为134.14mg/kg。

    The level of lead pollution in dust is between 38.1mg/kg and 349.4mg / kg , and the average value is 134.14 mg / kg .

  13. 通过对鸡西市1996~2000年环境空气监测结果的分析,其空气中的TSP和降尘污染较重,环境空气污染呈现典型的煤烟型污染。

    We analysed environmental air monitoring data of JiXi city from 1996 to 2000 and found TSP and dust pollution were serious , air pollution in JiXi is typical smoke pollution .

  14. 降尘中Ca、Cu、Zn、Pb的富集系数均>10.北方远程来源的降尘对南京地区的影响很大,特别是对该地区的土壤复钙作用有很大的影响。

    The enrichment coefficients of Ca , Cu , Zn and Pb in dust-fall were all > 10 . The influence of dust-fall from remote north source on Nanjing was very great especially on calcium re-enrichment of surface soils .

  15. 用带能谱的环境扫面电镜(ESEM/EDS)和X-衍射技术(XRD)检测大气降尘中的颗粒物的微观形貌、化学组成和矿物组成。

    The particles in atmospheric dust fall were analyzed in terms of morphology , chemical and mineralogical composition by Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray detector ( ESEM-EDX ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

  16. 在浮尘条件下,在拔节期的冬小麦叶片中过氧化氢酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性降低,脯氨酸含量和相对电导率增加,说明降尘对冬小麦确实造成了伤害。

    Meanwhile , the activity of catalase ( CAT ) and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) diminishes in the leaves of winter wheat at the jointing stage , thus increasing proline contents and relative electrical conductivities and showing real damage in winter wheat .

  17. 差异显著与差异极显著的临界降尘量分别为45.7和65.7t(km2·月),对应的减产幅度分别为16.5%和23.9%;

    The critical soot quantity of distinct difference and bally distinct difference are 45.7 ? t / ( km 2 · month ) and 65.7 ?

  18. 对本溪市的环境空气质量进行了监测分析,结果表明:本溪市环境空气中TSP超过国家环境空气质量二级标准,SO2、NOX、CO、降尘均符合二级标准。

    Monitoring and analyzing results of ambient air quality in urban Benxi showed that the level of air pollutant TSP is higher than National Ambient Air Quality Standard Class II , and those of SO2 , NOX , CO and dusts meet Class II standard .

  19. 不同功能区降尘中地壳元素绝对含量均较高,为主要的成分,而一些污染元素(Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni、As)的含量在工业混合区和钢铁工业区则相对较高。

    The absolute content of crustal elements in dust-fall of different zones were all higher , being the main component , but heavy metal elements such as Cu , Zn , Pb , Ni and As were relatively much higher in industrial zone and the mixed industrial and residential zone .

  20. 结果表明,研究期间南京市降尘沉降通量为3.39~65.95g/(m2·月),工业区降尘通量显著高于其他区域,说明其局部来源的贡献超过了区域背景;

    The dust flux of Nanjing city was 3.39 ~ 65.95g / ( m2 ? month ) during the study period . Dust-fall flux in steel industry zone was significantly higher than all other sites , indicating the local contribution of local source exceeded that of regional background .

  21. 结果表明:近地表0.1m处收集到的沙尘物质主要来自于近地表跃移的沙粒,随着高度的增加,降尘中细沙成分越来越少,粉沙成分越来越大。

    The results are as follows : the falling sand-dust of 0.1 m height near surface is mainly from saltation matter , the fine sand compositions of falling dust are fewer and the powder sand elements are more .

  22. 扫描电镜见到FeKαX射线波峰明显,面分析图像见到铁元素的特征呈聚集状,与降尘的面分析图像基本一致,说明降尘中的铁与肺组织中的铁密切相关。

    Through scanning electron microscopy an obvious FeK α X ray peak was seen and the surface image of iron element presented a gathering pattern basically similar to that of sedimentary dust , which indicated that iron from sedimentary dust was associated with that from lung tissue .

  23. 韶关市大气降尘矿物成分和形貌特征研究

    Mineral composition and morphology of atmospheric dust fall in Shaoguan City

  24. 负压降尘技术在工作面防尘中的推广应用

    Application of negative pressure and dust reduction technology in mining face

  25. 兰州市大气降尘污染物来源研究

    Study on the source apportionment of atmospheric dust pollutants in Lanzhou

  26. 利用苔藓和地衣作为生物监测器对大气降尘中重金属污染物质的研究

    Biomonitoring of atmospheric heavy metal deposition by moss and lichen analysis

  27. 干降尘中高分子有机质的组成及其来源

    Composition and source of macromolecule organic matter in dry falling dust

  28. 喷雾降尘在煤炭装卸环境中的应用研究

    Application of Spraying and Dust settling in the Coal Handling Environment

  29. 大气降尘中痕量金属元素铜、铅、锌、铬的形态分析

    Speciation of copper , lead , zinc , chromium in dust

  30. 港口煤炭码头大气降尘与总量控制

    Atmospheric Depositing Dust and Its Total Amount Control of Coal Wharf