
chú shā
  • litter cleaning
除沙[chú shā]
  1. 有好几哩之远除沙外别无他物。

    For miles and miles there was nothing but sand .

  2. 沙漠公路积沙的清除设备&除沙机

    Sand Remover on Desert Road On Sand

  3. 都江堰利用水的习性和自身能量,成功实现了排洪、灌溉、除沙三大目标,并且实现了可持续利用和发展。

    Dujiangyan Irrigation Project takes advantage of nature and energy of water itself to have successfully realized flood discharge , irrigation and cleanup sand , as well as sustaining development .

  4. 除弱沙埋条件白刺种群密度外,其他各性状都与沙埋有着显著相关关系;

    There existed significant correlations between sand burial and the population characteristics except the population density under weak sand burial .

  5. 该湾海岸除东部沙坝泻湖岸段略有淤伸外,其余岸段均处于侵蚀状态;

    The coasts of the bay are basically in erosion status except barrier-lagoon coast which situated in the eastern section is slightly silting ;

  6. 现代的两栖登陆艇常采用多级组合如惯性级和网垫级来解决除盐雾的问题,用旋风级来解决除沙问题。

    The combination of multilevel facilities such as inertia stages , net stages is often adopt for salinity , while cyclone separator for sand in the modern amphibian landing craft .