
  • 网络meteorite impact;meteor strike
  1. 东太平洋中部始新世/渐新世界线陨石撞击的地球化学证据

    Geochemical Features of the Meteorite Impact Around Eocene / Oligocene Boundary Layer in Central Eastern Pacific Region

  2. 湖南省早寒武世石煤层的铱异常发现之后,人们纷纷从地球化学方面推测一次陨石撞击事件的可能性。

    After discovery of iridium anomaly in Early Cambrian stone coal in Hunan province , scientistsbegan to guess the possibility of a meteorite impact event from geochemical aspects .

  3. 在人们争论恐龙究竟在6600万年前那个10km宽的太空陨石撞击地球时做什么的时候,这项新的评估无疑为这场争论火上浇油。

    The new assessment adds further fuel to a debate on how dinosaurs were doing when a 10km-wide space rock slammed into Earth 66 million years ago .

  4. 撞击速度的变化对陨石撞击形变场的影响及其规律探讨

    Influence of the change of impact velocity on impact deformation field of meteorite

  5. 从这个角度来说,奇虚乐陨石撞击事件可说是人类演化的推手。

    In this sense , the Chicxulub crater is the crucible of human evolution .

  6. 仅有的全球范围的剧烈变动,不过是由大的陨石撞击或超级火山喷发所引起。

    The only abrupt worldwide change would have been major asteroid impacts or volcanic super-eruptions .

  7. 6500万年之前,一颗陨石撞击地球,在犹卡坦半岛附近,

    Sixty-five million years ago , an asteroid landed on Earth near the Yucatan Peninsula ,

  8. 科学家称太空陨石撞击地球的可能性十分巨大。

    Scientists say there may be a greater threat of space rocks smashing into Earth .

  9. 或者,它们是因为陨石撞击或阳光照射表面而产生的结果?

    Or are they being formed as a result of meteoroids or sunlight hitting the surface ?

  10. 陨石撞击是瞬间事件,理论上几千年内就能杀死大量物种。

    The instantaneous release from an impact would potentially kill off species in a few thousand years .

  11. 中国内蒙古白云鄂博Fe-Nb-REE矿床地质特征与陨石撞击成因

    Geology and meteorite impact origin of Bayan Obo Fe NB REE deposit , inner mongolia , china

  12. 而且,流浪行星不会受到巨陨石撞击的困扰,像地球曾经遭受的那样。

    What 's more , rogue planets would not beplagued by giant meteorite impacts , as Earth has been .

  13. 人们普遍认为,希克苏鲁伯陨石撞击地球后,地球上发生了长达一年或更长时间的全球性火灾。

    It 's thought that global wildfires engulfed the planet for a year or more after the Chicxulub impact .

  14. 一个同等重要的标准就是物种适应陨石撞击引起的全球性随机生态灾难的能力。

    Yet an equally important criterion is the ability of a species to survive random global ecological catastrophes due to impacts .

  15. 我们人类就是这次始于6500万年前随着陨石撞击后,生物进化狂潮的一部分。

    And we human beings are part of that creative evolutionary pulse that began 65 million years ago with the landing of an asteroid .

  16. 第一种解释是,频繁的火山活动和陨石撞击让星球大幅升温;火山也会释放出气体,能合成有机化合物。

    The first is that frequent volcanoes and meteorite impacts heated the planet substantially ; volcanoes also emit gases known to synthesize into organic compounds .

  17. 对2004年1月5日美国宇航局发布的火星轨道探测器拍摄的勇气号着陆点照片进行了研究,认为照片上的地形为陨石撞击火星表面留下的痕迹。

    Surface picture of Mars token by orbit robot was issued by NASA in January , 2004 . the picture was carefully studied by this paper .

  18. 这么大的陨石撞击地球是很罕见的,大部分(陨石)物质在穿越大气层时都会燃烧殆尽,很少能够达到地面。

    It would be unusual for such a large meteorite to hit the Earth , as most objects burn up in the atmosphere and never reach the surface .

  19. 不同年代岩石样本中的同位素浓度显示:地幔化合物成分在39亿年前地球被陨石撞击后发生改变。

    Isotope concentrations in rock samples of different ages indicate that the composition of the Earth 's mantle changed after the planet was blasted with meteors 3.9 billion years ago .

  20. 当微小的陨石撞击月球表面时,少许粉状浮土会融化形成这种凝集物,把微小完整的土壤粒包裹在里面,就像昆虫琥珀一样。

    Agglutinates formed when micrometeorites hit the lunar surface and melted a bit of the powdery regolith . Tiny intact grains of soil were preserved within , like insects in amber .

  21. 湖泊分类:构造湖、火山口湖、冲积残留湖、堰塞湖、冰川湖、喀斯特湖、风成湖、陨石撞击湖和人工湖。

    Types of lakes : tectonic lake , crater lake , fluvial lake , dammed lake , glacier lake , karst lake , Aeolian lake , impact crater lake and artificial lake .

  22. 这些新的撞击遗迹与二叠纪大灭绝有关,著实令人兴奋,但是我们不可以将富勒烯当作巨大陨石撞击地球的确凿证据。

    As exciting as these new impact tracers linked to the Great Dying have been , it would be misleading to suggest that fullerenes are the smoking gun for a giant impact .

  23. 针对苍山陨石撞击事件,运用ANSYS/LS-DYNA非线性有限元程序,分析讨论撞击速度的变化如何影响陨石撞击形变场及其形成、发展和演化。

    Aiming to meteorite impact affair of Cangshan , the popular nonlinear program ANSYS / LS-DYNA is used to analyze how the change of impact velocity affect the emergence , development and evolvement of the impact deformation field of meteorite .

  24. 麻省理工学院的教授曾提出一个超级飓风的理论,即通过计算机模拟,当陨石撞击地球时,可以使40到50英里的海域温度理论上瞬间升高到120华氏摄氏度。这个飓风威力无穷,其风速可达到600英里/小时。

    Using a computer simulation , a MIT Professor theorized a super hurricane ( known as a hypercane ) could have theoretically occurred if an asteroid caused a 40-50 mile area of the ocean to heat to 120 F. This would have created hurricanes so powerful that winds would have reached speeds of over 600 mph .

  25. 我们的金融市场刚刚遭受了一块陨石的撞击。

    We just had a meteorite hit us in financial markets .

  26. 大型陨石的撞击则可能偶发的使大气密度及温度增加。

    Large meteor impacts may have occasionally thickened and warmed the atmosphere .

  27. 而后经过携带水陨石的撞击,地球才有了珍贵的水资源。

    Then meteorites carrying water smashed into the planet , dumping their precious cargo .

  28. 温度、氧气、闭光和湿度。大型陨石的撞击则可能偶发的使大气密度及温度增加。

    Warmth , oxygen from sunlight and wetness . Large meteor impacts may have occasionally thickened and warmed the atmosphere .

  29. 地球早期,剧烈的火山爆发和陨石的撞击,有如纵火者放火灭迹一样,把所有的证据都已摧毁殆尽。

    During Earth 's opening act , space debris and cataclysmic volcanic upheavals destroyed the evidence , like an arsonist torching his tracks .

  30. 然而,关键点在于,陨石在撞击与喷发过程中的受热程度,还不致摧毁其内部的生物体。

    It is crucial , however , that the impact and ejection do not heat the meteorites enough to destroy the biological materials within them .