
  • 网络DK-B-A;ceramic filter
  1. 陶瓷滤芯过滤阻力试验研究

    Study on the Filtering Resistances of Ceramic Filter

  2. 研究了陶瓷滤芯污染机理,进行了机械清洗试验。

    The pollution mechanism of the ceramic filter was probed and the test of machinery cleaning technique done .

  3. 由于陶瓷滤芯过滤过程中不可避免地受到污染,过滤阻力增大,影响其产水性能。

    Ceramic filter will be polluted unavoidably in the filtering process and which causes the filtering pressure to rise and water yield to reduce .

  4. 通过试验得出滤饼层阻力是陶瓷滤芯过滤主要污染阻力的结论。

    Aceording to the test , filter cake resistance was the main pollution resistance and it was very remarkable to influence for water yield of ceramic filter .

  5. 鉴于我国市内公共汽车柴油机的平均排气温度很低,在捕集器的前端装了一个燃烧器,定期对陶瓷滤芯进行热再生。

    Because of low exhaust temperature of the urban bus engine , a diesel fueled burner was installed on the trap to regenerate thermally the ceramic element .