
  • 网络Lund University
  1. 这是瑞典隆德大学研究者所期望的。

    This is the hope of researchers at Lund University in Sweden .

  2. 此项研究由瑞典哥德堡大学和隆德大学研究人员进行。

    The study was conducted by Gothenburg University and Lund University in Sweden carried out by researchers .

  3. 另外,隆德大学设有许多跨领域的研究中心。

    There are a large number of multi-disciplinary centra at the University .

  4. 瑞典隆德大学的一位生物学家——玛丽·达克——对蜣螂的这一奇特能力很好奇,并做了一项实验。

    Intrigued by this fascinating ability , Marie Dacke , a biologist from Lund University in Sweden , conducted an experiment .

  5. 瑞典隆德大学的研究人员拉斯-霍尔认为,那些志愿者在解释自己的选择理由时都是真心实意且非常诚恳的,不知为何他们并没有发觉照片被调换了。

    Lars Hall , a researcher from Lund University , thinks the volunteers were sincere when giving their reports and somehow failed to notice the switch .

  6. 据称,瑞典隆德大学的这一研究预计将促使人们进一步去调查通勤对健康的影响,以及最佳的出行方式。

    It is now expected that the study , from Lund Unversity in Sweden , will encourage further investigation into the health impacts of commuting and the best forms of transportation .