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yǐn shì
  • hermit;recluse;solitary
隐士 [yǐn shì]
  • [hermit;recluse] 隐居不做官的人

  • 魏有隐士。--《史记.魏公子列传》

隐士[yǐn shì]
  1. 从本质上讲,隐士的存在是一个政治问题。

    The existence of recluse is a political issue in essence .

  2. 这些年来,埃里克都是过着隐士生活。

    All these years , Eric had lived as a recluse .

  3. 这个隐士过的是苦行生活。

    The hermit followed an ascetic life-style .

  4. 年轻人谢过了老隐士,但是他也在琢磨着,烧了蛇皮以后会怎么样呢?

    The young man thanked the hermit , but he was concerned . What would happen if he burned the snakeskin ?

  5. 他赶忙跑回森林与老隐士讲了事情的经过,“婶婶正在床上休息,但是您知道她是怎么和我叔叔说的吗?她说自己是在梦游的时候把脚弄伤的。”

    He raced back to the forest to tell the hermit what had happened . " And now my aunt is staying in bed , but do you know what my aunt said ? She told him she hurt her foot while sleepwalking ! "

  6. 接下来的10个小妙招既能教你放下各类设备,而又不至于过上隐士般的生活,无法享受ESPN电视台的实时更新。

    Here are 10 quick and easy ways to tap the brakes without resorting to hermithood or a life without ESPN updates .

  7. 在与美联社(AP)的一次讨论中,利德斯通用“隐士”这个词来描述他过去的生活方式。“隐士”指的是与他人分开过简单生活的人。

    In a discussion with The Associated Press ( AP ) , Lidstone used the term hermit - a person who lives in a simple way apart from others - to describe how he used to live .

  8. 中国上周暂停了到朝鲜的主要货运服务。此前,中国载有食品援助和可贸易商品的1800节车皮进入了金正日(KimJong-il)的隐士王国,却再也没有回来。

    China suspended key rail freight services into North Korea last week after 1,800 wagons carrying food aid and tradeable goods crossed into Kim Jong-il 's hermit state but were never returned .

  9. 我将为你离开在Wildwoods的小屋。我希望隐士的生活适合你。

    DEVIN : Than I shall leave my cabin for you in the Wildwoods . I hope the hermit life suits you .

  10. 这不是南汉普顿最迷人的“隐士”吗

    If it isn 't south Hampton 's most ravishing shut-in .

  11. 他被解职后成了隐士。

    He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office .

  12. 道家正是在汲取了隐士和隐逸文化的思想营养才得以产生、生长起来的。

    Taoism emerged and developed from the nutrition of seclusion culture .

  13. 美洲画眉鸟;鸫科鸣鸟;隐士夜鸫;威尔逊鸫。

    American thrushes : wood thrush ; hermit thrush ; veery .

  14. 把隐士、王冠和刀剑扔进深坑。

    Hurl helmets , crowns , and swords into the pit .

  15. 在古代中国,隐士们通常都住在小村子里。

    In the ancient China , hermits usually lived in hamlets .

  16. 我对读书的挚爱从未使我成为遁世的隐士。

    My devotion to reading has never made me a recluse .

  17. 两个隐士住在远离世间的一个山洞里。

    Two hermits lived in a cave far from civilization .

  18. 叶甫盖尼在寂寞冷清的庄园里过着隐士般的生活。

    On his lonely estate Eugene lived the life of an anchorite .

  19. 隐士们强烈的自我克制和他们神圣的自我倾空都令她振奋。

    The hermits'fierce self-abnegation , their holy self-emptying seemed to her thrilling .

  20. 我的心灵牌是隐士?你开玩笑吧?

    My soul card 's the hermit ? Are you kidding me ?

  21. 霍姆斯既不是怪胎,也不是隐士。

    Mr Holmes is not a weirdo or a recluse .

  22. 而就他自己而言,他喜欢像一位隐士那样住在荒芜的沙漠。

    Personally , he likes living as a hermit in the desert .

  23. 诸葛亮成才与襄阳隐士群体

    On the Relation between Zhuge Liang 's Prominence and Xiangyang Hermit Community

  24. 中国古代山水诗与隐士文化有着天然联系。

    Chinese ancient landscape poetry was in natural connections with hermit culture .

  25. 在他的一生中与僧人、道士、隐士都有着密切的交往。

    He has a close relationship with Taoist , Buddhist and hermit .

  26. 唐代文人与隐士交游的动因

    Reasons for the Friendship Between Scholars and Hermits in the Tang Dynasty

  27. 隐士是中国古代社会所独有的一种现象,对中国文化影响巨大。

    The hermits are some individual people in ancient society of China .

  28. 这位老隐士与外面的世界隔绝了。

    The old recluse secluded himself from the outside world .

  29. 据说有位隐士曾在此炼丹。

    A hermit is said to have practiced alchemy here .

  30. 朗斯洛心灰意冷,做了隐士。不久,圭内维尔与他先后死去。

    He became a religious hermit and died shortly after Guenevere did .