
yǐn huì
  • obscure;veiled;vague;ambiguous;opaque
隐晦 [yǐn huì]
  • (1) [obscure;veiled]∶含糊、不易理解、不明朗或不清楚

  • 文字写得很隐晦

  • (2) [ambiguous]∶有歧义而意义不清楚或不明确的

  • 这个词义隐晦难懂

隐晦[yǐn huì]
  1. 玻璃柜里放着各类道具,隐晦地指向某些具体的桥段:一张莱昂纳尔•里奇(LionelRichie)的唱片(《丑陋裸男死了?》一集)、一本《怀孕期间注意事项》(《谣言》一集)、莫妮卡公寓镜子的复制品。

    Glass cases display obscure references to specific episodes : a Lionel Richie record ( " The One With the Giant Poking Device " ) , a copy of " What to Expect When You 're Expecting " ( " The One With the Rumor " ) , a replica of the mirror from Monica 's apartment .

  2. 法国同这个新组织的关系极其隐晦。

    France 's relationship to the new organization is extremely obscure .

  3. “又是又不是。”她回答得很隐晦。

    ' Yes and no , ' she replied cryptically .

  4. 他发表了一个简短隐晦的声明,否认对其间谍行为的指控。

    He has issued a short , cryptic statement denying the spying charges

  5. 隐晦提到了他的反对者。

    There were indirect references to his opponent

  6. 理查德的声明隐晦费解,真是丢人。

    Richard 's statement was disgracefully obscure .

  7. 布莱纳说他的用意是将剧本中的隐晦含意在电影中清晰明白地表现出来。

    Branagh says that it was his intention to make explicit in the film what was only implicit in the play .

  8. 这段文字隐晦,因而有可能作出好几种解释。

    The obscurity of the passage makes several interpretations possible .

  9. 他的话里有某种隐晦的含义。

    There is some dark meaning in his words .

  10. 美国时尚,或明显或隐晦地体现着民主,而传统的巴黎式时尚则是有规则限定的,无论愿意与否,都强加给女性。

    Implicitly or explicitly , American fashion addressed a democracy , whereas traditional Paris-based fashion was prescriptive and imposed on women , willing or not .

  11. 她隐晦地表示说这部电影是她人生的写照。

    She made a cryptic comment about how the film mirrored her life .

  12. 像任何其他理想主义者,你从不隐晦自己的偏好

    Like any other idealistic person you make a secret of your predilections .

  13. WTO各项协议由于是各国利益平衡的结果,其实体条文的语义就更为隐晦模糊。

    Especially with regards to covered agreements of WTO , which represent the beneficial balance of WTO members , the meaning of the text is more vague .

  14. mashup这种隐晦的数据集成定义当然不是非常严格。

    This vague data-integration definition of a mashup certainly isn 't a rigorous one .

  15. 在这期的5件事系列中,我将通过同步方法、volatile变量和原子类介绍多线程编程的一些更隐晦的方面。

    In this installment of the5 things series , I introduce some of the subtler aspects of multithreaded programming with synchronized methods , volatile variables , and atomic classes .

  16. 在他发表这番言论前,巴克莱(Barclays)和渣打银行(StandardChartered)在上月曾更隐晦地暗示,如果被威胁拆分,那么可能会把总部迁去亚洲或美国。

    The comments follow more veiled suggestions from Barclays and Standard Chartered last month that they could relocate to Asia or the US if they were threatened with break-up .

  17. 在被问到最近是否有更多的捐赠没有被联邦选举委员会记录时,霍夫曼在一封邮件中措辞隐晦地回应道,正在看一些PAC之类的。

    Asked if there was more recent giving that had not shown up in federal election records , Mr Hoffman cryptically responded in an email , Looking at some PACs , etc.

  18. 他在圣乔治节那天发布的长达90也的入选宣言中,强调表明了他的经济和防卫策略,然而却隐晦带过BNP的核心目标,即撤销移民政策。

    When he launched its90-page election manifesto on St George 's Day , he stressed its economic and defence policies and played down its core aim , which is halting immigration .

  19. 前谷歌(Google)大中华区总裁李开复(LeeKai-fu)上周四晚间在其新浪认证微博账户中发布了一篇隐晦的微博,最先暗示自己罹患癌症。

    Lee Kai-fu , former head of China operations for Google , first suggested that he had been hit with the disease in a somewhat cryptic post on his verified Sina Weibo microblog feed late Thursday night .

  20. 在域建模的时候,使用Iterable有一些明显的缺陷,因为通过iterator()方法只能那么“隐晦”地支持一个那样的对象集合。

    Using Iterable has some obvious drawbacks when domain modeling , because only one such collection of objects can be so " implicitly " supported via the iterator () method .

  21. 街头服饰”一词带有隐晦性色彩,比如设计师NasirMazhar认为:“街头服饰”是一个带有种族歧视的词汇。

    The latter term has troubling connotations for designers such as Nasir Mazhar who suggested that " streetwear " was a racially coded term .

  22. 这份档案是经商人格伦·霍罗威茨(GlennHorowitz)整理后出售的,不过仍需彻底整理。蒙特隆戈说,这份档案的确“隐晦地”展现出加西亚·马尔克斯的政治倾向。

    The archive , which was prepared for sale by the dealer Glenn Horowitz but has yet to be fully cataloged , does show Garc í a M á rquez 's political side " in oblique ways , " Mr. Montelongo said .

  23. 他吃不透他讲话的隐晦含义。

    He could not probe into the mystery of his speech .

  24. 这种起源隐晦的部落竞技活动目前仍持续上演著。

    A tribal sport with dark origins is still performed today .

  25. 别给我们来隐晦的。我们不太灵光。

    Don 't use subtlety on us . we 're slow .

  26. 忍耐是一种曲折隐晦的生存之道。

    Patience is a kind of twists and turns obscure survival .

  27. 隐晦图形一种具有秘密含义的图形或表现形式。

    A figure or representation having a secret or occult significance .

  28. 它的过于隐晦的故事情节让很多观众觉得“烧脑”。

    Its elliptical narrative left many audience members scratching their heads .

  29. 如果是打电话,说话隐晦些。

    If you talk on the phone , be cryptic .

  30. 迎隐晦之风我猛吸气轻风荡漾心旗。

    As I inhale the impalpable breezes that set in upon me .