
  • 网络Yannanfei;The Cranes Are Flying;Those Calloways;Letyat zhuravli;Wild geese fly away
  1. 草木黄落兮雁南飞。

    Grass and leaves yellow , oh ! And wild geese southward fly .

  2. 北雁南飞,去往南方芦苇丛生的湿地。

    It brought the wild duck back to the reedy marshes of the south ;

  3. 普光气田飞仙关组鲕滩分布规律研究粤东北典型山地茶园土壤质量评价&以梅州市雁南飞茶田为例

    Soil quality evaluation of tea plantation in typical mountain area of northeastern Guangdong & An instance study of Yan-Nan-Fei tea plantation in Meizhou