
  • 网络Jacobabad;jag
  1. 死者的家属已经对卡兰德和他的四个兄弟提起了刑事诉讼,控告他们残忍地杀死了这名来自雅各布阿巴德的新婚女子。

    Relatives of the deceased woman have since filed a complaint against Qalandar Bux and his four brothers , accusing them of strangulating the newly wedded Jacobadad bride .

  2. 近日,在巴基斯坦的雅各布阿巴德省,一名名叫堪萨迪·拉沙里的19岁新娘在新婚夜上被她的丈夫活活勒死。

    A 19 year old newly wed bride , Khanzadi Lashari has been strangled to death on the night of her wedding by her husband during a wedding in the province of Jacobabad in Pakistan .