
zhì kē
  • Phasianidae
雉科[zhì kē]
  1. 所用的56条细胞色素b基因全序列代表了雉科24属50种以及作为外类群的6个相关属。

    56 complete cytochrome b nucleotide sequences are used in the analysis to represent 50 Phasianidae species ( 24 genera ) and 6 related genera as outgroup .

  2. 雉科鸟中的一种猎鸟。

    A kind of game bird in the family Phasianidae .

  3. 3种雉科鸟类血液生理指标的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on the Blood Physiological Indices of Three Species of Birds

  4. 他们属于雉科,不会飞。

    They are in the pheasant family , can 't hardly fly .

  5. 应用似然比检验和贝叶斯推论进行雉科分子系统学研究。

    Both likelihood ratio tests and Bayesian inference are employed to study the phylogeny of Phasianidae .

  6. 结果表明:(1)雉科10种绒羽羽小枝形态变化甚小;

    The results showed that ( 1 ) the difference of 10 kinds of burbles of the downy feather are resemble in the form ;

  7. 从物种保护来看,35.77%物种没有得到保护,主要集中在兰科植物、苏铁和雉科。

    In view of protected species , 35.77 % species are not under protection , most of which are Orchidaceae , Cycas and Phasianidae .

  8. 凤冠雉科中形似火鸡的几种大型猎禽;原产于美洲热带丛林;与凤冠鸟形似,是贵重的食用鸟。

    Any of several large turkey-like game birds of the family Cracidae ; native to jungles of tropical America ; resembling the curassows and valued as food .

  9. 冢雉冢雉科各种大脚的,栖息于地上的鸟,产于澳大利亚和许多南太平洋岛屿,其用泥土或腐土修筑土墩或洞穴以在其中孵蛋。

    Any of various large-footed , ground-dwelling birds of the family megapodiidae , found in Australia and many South Pacific islands , that build mounds or burrows of earth and compost in which to incubate their eggs .