
  • 网络Estradiol Gel;Estradilum
  1. 经皮使用苯甲酸雌二醇凝胶治疗更年期综合症临床研究

    Clinical study of treatment of climacteric symptoms with percutaneous Estradial benzoate gel

  2. 羧甲基壳聚糖对雌二醇凝胶透皮吸收促进作用的研究

    Study on the Transdermal Permeation Enhancing Effect of Carboxymethyl Chitosan on Estradiol Gels in vitro

  3. 经皮用雌二醇凝胶预防绝经早期骨丢失的三年探索性观察

    Observation of preventing of bone loss during early postmenopause by percutaneous estradiol in Chinese postmenopausal women

  4. 目的探索经皮用雌二醇(E2)凝胶在中国妇女中预防绝经早期骨丢失的用法。

    Objective To investigate the optimal regimen for application of percutaneous estradiol gel in preventing bone loss in Chinese postmenopausal women .