
diāo bǎn
  • Engraving;cutting blocks of wood for printing
雕版 [diāo bǎn]
  • [cut blocks for painting;wood block for printing] 为印刷而刻版

雕版[diāo bǎn]
  1. 在Unesco非物质文化遗产名录上,中国已取得的收获包括:使用算盘进行数学教学(2013年),皮影戏(2011年),针灸艾灸疗法(2010年)以及雕版印刷(2009年)。

    China has had luck with other intangibles on the Unesco list : using the abacus for mathematical calculations ( 2013 ), shadow puppetry ( 2011 ), acupuncture and moxibustion ( 2010 ) and block printing ( 2009 ) .

  2. 建筑意&中国雕版印刷博物馆及扬州博物馆设计

    Idea Of Architecture Design of Chinese Engraving Printing Museum Yang Zhou Museum

  3. 第三,雕版佛画影响到后世木刻年画。

    Third , the Buddhist woodblock woodcut painting affect the later paintings .

  4. 有宋一代,我国雕版印刷进入其黄金时代。

    The carved printing stepped into its golden age in Song Dynasties .

  5. 适用行业:包装行业、雕版制版业。

    Applicable industry : Packing industry , plate making industry .

  6. 我们说雕版印刷是中国各民族共同创造的。

    The art of printing is created by all nations of China .

  7. 世界最古老的印刷术,是中国先民发明的雕版印刷。

    The oldest printing technology in the world is china 's engraving printing .

  8. 公元11世纪中叶,北宋布衣毕异成功地对古老的雕版印刷工艺实现了重大改革,发明了活字版印刷。

    In the middle of 11 century , Bi sheng invented type printing .

  9. 谈雕版印刷对印刷体的影响

    The Influence of Block Printing on Printed Chinese Character

  10. 南齐时期的雕版印刷雏形技术研究

    Studies in The Embryonic Form Techniques of Board Print in Nan Qi Dynasty

  11. 这个雕版是用梨木做的。

    The printing block is made of pear wood .

  12. 这是1824年在伦敦出版的力学杂志的雕版。

    This is an engraving from Mechanics Magazine published in London in 1824 .

  13. 纸牌是用雕版印刷,有许多样本保存了下来。

    The playing-cards were printed by woodcut blocks , and many specimens survive .

  14. 韩佳,这不是雕版印刷吗?

    Han Jia , isn 't it woodblock printing ?

  15. 从雕版上印刷下来的图画或图案。

    A picture or design printed from an engraving .

  16. 在几年中已经拥有多达七十种作品的雕版。

    Few years later , Tou-Se-We has already owned seventy kinds of engraving work .

  17. 试比较中西雕版印刷文化的差异

    A Comparative Study on the Differences of Chinese and Western Block Books Printing Culture

  18. 我们收到了雕版印刷的婚礼请帖。

    We received engraved invitations to the wedding .

  19. 这可都是用雕版印刷术印制出来的。

    They were all printed using carved blocked .

  20. 敦煌版画对雕版印刷业的影响

    The Influence of Dunhuang Print Plate Over to Chinese Industry of Engraved Plate Copy

  21. 中国雕版印刷术向日本传播的途径

    How the Chinese Wood-Block Printing Technique Reached Japan

  22. 钢模缩小机(印花雕刻用)雕刻刀:雕版专用的尖钢刀。

    Die pantograph machine Burin : A pointed engraver 's steel tool used for cutting .

  23. 雕版印书出现之前,书籍都是手写的,称之曰本。

    All books were handwritten and called ben before the introduction of woodblocks for printing .

  24. 从雕版上印刷出来的图案。

    To print from a wood engraving .

  25. 雕版印刷古籍版本类型本句是用斜体字印刷的。

    This sentence is in italic type .

  26. 雏型,4个月之前的泥雕版。

    Clay sculpture , 4 months review .

  27. 宋代经学著作雕版印刷述论

    A Review of the Block Printing of the Works of Confucian Scholarship in the Song Dynasty

  28. 中国是世界上发明雕版印刷术的国家,发明时间为公元前2世纪之末的汉代。

    Chinese invented engraving typography in the Han dynasty at the end of 2nd century BC .

  29. 在技术引进上,土山湾印书馆在起步之初熟练运用中国传统雕版印刷工艺。

    On technology , Tou-Se-We initially began to the use the traditional Chinese woodblock printing process .

  30. 试论雕版印刷的盛行与苏轼诗歌的传播

    Analysis on the Prevalence of the Engraving Printing and the Spread of Poems of Su Shi