
yǔ shuā qì
  • windshield wiper
  1. 例如,在威廉·M·弗尔伯思(WilliamM.Folberth)为真空动力雨刷器(它以引擎进气管的吸力为动力)申请专利后,特瑞科花了三年时间与他在法庭上较量,直到1925年以100万美元买下了他的公司。

    After William M. Folberth patented a vacuum-powered windshield wiper that ran on suction from the engine 's intake manifold , for example , Trico spent three years battling him in court before buying his company in 1925 for $ 1 million .

  2. 后来,特瑞科和竞争对手安科雨刷器公司(Anco)之间的专利争夺战从20世纪40年代中期持续到1971年,成为当时持续时间最长的诉讼之一。

    A later patent war , between Trico and rival windshield-wiper company Anco , stretched from the mid-1940s until 1971 , making it one of the longest-running lawsuits of its day .

  3. 你可能需要打开雨刷器。

    You might want to turn on the windshield wipers .

  4. 每十年与雨刷器相关的专利个数:

    Number of windshield-wiper-related patents issued per decade .

  5. 此外,依据检测到的液滴量调整雨刷器的速度。

    In addition , the amount of liquid detected dictates the speed of the wiper .

  6. 奥森的公司最终命名为特瑞科(Trico),很快主导了雨刷器市场。

    Oishei 's company , which was eventually called Trico , soon dominated the windshield-wiper market .

  7. 需考虑三种外部系统:雨刷器接口,挡风玻璃,和汽车电子系统。

    Three external systems are considered : the wiper interface , the windshield , and the car electrical system .

  8. 这一需求的满足确保了产品不改变传感器与雨刷器的特性。

    The satisfaction of this requirement ensures that the product will be resilient to changes in the sensor and windshield characteristics .

  9. 就像早期的一个雨刷器广告所说的那样:“清晰的视野能预防事故,让驾驶更轻松。”

    As one early windshield-wiper advertisement explained : " A Clear Sight Ahead Prevents Accidents . An Undimmed Vision Makes It Easier to Drive . "

  10. 经过这么多年,雨刷器被再三改造,以应对挡风玻璃设计的变化以及汽车制造商对迷人新配件的渴望。

    Over time , windshield wipers have been re-engineered again and again , in response both to changing windshield designs and to automakers " desire for enticing new add-ons .

  11. 亨利·莫雷洛饮用汽车车窗雨刷器中的水,抱着汽车坐垫取暖,靠一遍遍阅读汽车手册来打发时间。

    Henry Morello drank the windscreen washer fluid , used car mats to stay warm at night and read his car manual from cover to cover to pass the time .

  12. 该系统通过红外雨量传感器检测雨量大小,使用模糊控制算法和脉宽调制技术调节雨刷器的速度;给出了系统的总体结构和具体设计方法。

    This system senses the amount of rainfall by the infrared rain sensor , and adjusts the speed of wiper based on the fuzzy control algorithm and pulse width modulation technology .

  13. 基于模糊控制的汽车智能雨刷系统,通过红外雨水传感器感知雨量的大小,运用单片机的PWM信号控制雨刷器同步地工作在高速或低速状态。

    By infrared rain sensor detecting the number of precipitation rain fall , intelligent windscreen wiper system of automobile based on fuzzy control , uses PWM signal of single-chip to control windscreen wiper to work synchronously with high speed or low speed .