
  • 网络Rainhill
  1. 运用聚氨酯泡沫塑料块(PFU)对马鞍山市雨山湖水体中的微型生物群落进行了采样观测,并对生物多样性指数和水体水质关系做出分析。

    The microbial communities of Yushan Lake are investigated by polyurethane foam unit ( PFU ) method , and the relationship between the index of biodiversity and water quality is studied .

  2. 湖南隆回(雨山)方言音系

    Phonological Phonology of the Longhui ( Yushan ) Dialect of Hunan Province

  3. 从构思、布局、植物配置等方面入手,详细介绍了马鞍山市雨山山体公园规划设计的理念与手法,特别论述山体公园规划设计应与现有自然环境相结合,避免破坏现有山体植被。

    The mountain park design in Ma'anshan is introduced from the aspects of concept , layout and plant design , especially discussing upon how to integrate mountain park design with the present environment , to avoid destroying the mountain and plants while constructing .