
  • 网络Rainfall station;precipitation station;precipitation gauge
  1. 小流域雨量站网密度分析

    Analysis on Precipitation Station Network Density of Small Watershed

  2. 基于自动气象站与自动雨量站的气象服务、监视及自动报警系统

    Meteorological Service , Monitoring and Auto-Alarming System Based on AWS and Automatic Precipitation Station Data

  3. 利用太原C波段多普勒天气雷达基数据资料和自动雨量站资料,对2006年4月11日发生在山西省的一次区域性暴雪过程进行了分析。

    By using the data of C-Wave Band Doppler weather radar and the precipitation data from AWS in Taiyuan , a regional snowstorm event occurring in Shanxi on April 11 , 2006 was analyzed .

  4. 利用历史洪水已知的实测流量信息,将实时修正引入雨量站网规划中,在闽江七里街流域对1988~2001年的45场洪水采用误差自回归(AR)模型在模拟过程中进行实时修正。

    Making use of the observed discharge information , real-time correcting method is brought in rainfall network programming . AR model is used to revise the simulated processes of forty five flood events .

  5. 分析了S波段双线偏振多普勒雷达几种估测降水强度方法的差异,并与地面雨量站资料进行对比,研究了KDP计算方法本身对降水估测的影响。

    By analysis of the differences of the four methods on estimating rain intensity at S band of dual linear polarization Doppler radar , the influence of K_ DP numerical method on the estimating rainfall is also studied here .

  6. 采用统一的统计参数计算方法分析计算了全国0.51万~1.36万个雨量站历时为10min~3d的暴雨资料、210个站历时为1d~90d和1a的降水资料的偏态系数和变差系数比值Rsv。

    The ratio of the skewness coefficient to the variation coefficient is computed with uniform method for the rainfall data from 5 # 100-13 # 600 stations with durations of 10-min-3-day and 210 stations with durations of 1-day-90-day and 1-year .

  7. 结合雨量站资料运用最优插值、卡尔曼滤波等方法对本地Z-I关系及降水产品进行调整优化;

    Union with the precipitation of the auto weather stations , the optimal interpolation method and Kalman filtering is used to adjust and optimize the local Z-I relationship and the precipitation product ;

  8. 提出了基于雷达测雨数据的R-G联合法,该法在原有雨量站实测降雨的基础上,引入了雷达测站得到的雷达数据。

    The R-G method which estimates the rainfall spatial distribution using weather-radar , is proposed . This method uses the radar-explored data to estimate the rainfall spatial distribution on the basis of the original rain gauge data .

  9. 忻州雨量站80年系列特征分析

    Analysis on Rainfull Feature of 80 Years Series at Xinzhou Rainfull Station

  10. 实时洪水预报系统雨量站网论证分析

    Research on Rain Guage Network in Real-time Flood Forecasting System

  11. 自动雨量站资料在地质灾害监测中的应用

    Application of Automatic Rainfall Station Data in Geological Disaster Monitoring

  12. 云南省雨量站网评价结果浅析

    Analysis on Evaluation of rainfall network of Yunnan Province

  13. 雨量站网密度对不同气候区月径流模拟的影响

    Impact of rain-gauge network intensity on monthly hydrologic simulation in different climatic zones

  14. 乡级自动雨量站与自动气象站雨量资料的融合

    The Rain Data Sharing of the Town station and the Automatic meteorological station

  15. 多站降雨随机模型在江西雨量站网规划中的应用

    The application of many-stations rainfall random model in planning Jiangxi Province rain-gauge network

  16. 其次,文章详述了自动雨量站的具体实现。

    Secondly , the specifications of the autonomous rain station are explained in detail .

  17. 雨量站分布不均匀流域的降雨径流预报人工神经网络模型

    Artificial neural network model of rain fall-runoff forecasting for rain gage unevenly distributed watersheds

  18. 实时修正在流域雨量站网规划中的应用

    Application of Real-time Correcting in Rainfall Network Programming

  19. 雨量站网的合理布局研究

    A study on rational distribution of raingauge networks

  20. 基于数字流域的雨量站网空间布设研究

    Digital basin based spatial analysis of rain-gauge network

  21. 珠江三角洲平原地区气候、雨量站网最佳密度的探讨

    The study of optimum density of climate and rainfall station networks over Zhujiang plain area

  22. 同时,初步确定了雨量站网密度与流域面积之间的关系;

    Moreover , the relationship between density of rain gauging stations and area of watershed .

  23. 关于调整雨量站的研究

    A Mathematical Model on Decreasing Rainfall Stations

  24. CAWS600-R自动雨量站

    CAWS 600-R Automatic Rainfall Station

  25. 流域变雨量站泰森多边形法的微机处理原理

    Computer Processing Principles of Thiessen Polygon Method to Calculate the Areal Rainfall of Changing Rain Gauging Stations

  26. 雨量站实测点雨量精度高,雷达站测的数据在空间上分布合理。

    The precision of rain gauge data is high and the spatial distribution of radar-explored data is applicable ( reasonable ) .

  27. 该法简单,适用于雨量站稀少地区的雨量站网规划。

    The method is straightforward , it is applicable to design precipitation station for those regions where precipitation station is spare .

  28. 雨量站网的设计&江汉平原雨量站网合理分布基于雨胞分布的视距链路雨衰减预报模型

    The designing of rainfall network Prediction model of rain attenuation based on the EXCELL rain cell model for the terrestrial line-of-sight systems

  29. 根据万有引力原理,任意雨量站雨量与待插值点雨量存在着万有引力。

    According to the principle of universal gravitation , universal gravitation exists between the amount of precipitation at rain-gauge stations and interpolation points .

  30. 文中分析了涑水河流域的降水特征,对影响降雨的重要因素进行论证,对雨量站网优化布设以及防洪减灾等都有一定的参考价值。

    The characteristics of precipitation of Sushui River-basin has been analyzed in this paper , it is significant for the flood control plan .