
línɡ jí fǎn yìnɡ
  • zero(th) order reaction
  1. 实验室内的污泥降解符合零级反应规律。

    The sludge degradation law in laboratory coincides with zero order reaction law .

  2. 在反应初期,固化速率基本不变,为零级反应。

    In the initial stage , the rate of the curing reaction is almost constant and the reaction is basically a zero order reaction .

  3. 由于速率常数k与乐果起始浓度有关,表明乐果光催化降解反应不是一个简单的零级反应。

    The photocatalytic degradation of Rogor was not a simple zero order reaction , because the rate constants was related to the initial concentration of Rogor .

  4. 发现铜离子的浮选符合零级反应动力学,并求出其速度常数K_0。

    For the kinetics of ion flotation of cupric ion , a zero order reaction was found by experiment , and the rate constant K_0 was estimated .

  5. 生成物CO2及剩余反应物浓度随时间变化的实验结果表明,该种反应为零级反应。

    From the change of the concentration of the reactant and product CO2 detected by gas chromatographs , the reaction 's order is confirmed as zero order .

  6. 在悬浮污泥系统中,当pH、温度适宜,碳源无限制时,反硝化速率和耗碳速率动力学呈零级反应。

    In the suspended sludge system , when pH , temperatuer were suitable and carbon source was not limited , the denitrification and C uptake rate followed a zero-order reaction .

  7. HDT降解甲基橙时,呈典型的零级反应动力学特征。

    When the HDT decomposed methylene orange , the model of the reaction is zero order dynamics characteristic .

  8. 在渗碳初期遵守近似的抛物线增重规律,在渗碳稳定期遵守近似的直线增重规律;在渗碳稳定期,TiAl基合金的表面渗碳反应为零级反应,动力学行为遵守严格的线性变化规则;

    The surface carburization reaction of TiAl based alloy is zero order reaction , and the kinetics behavior of carburization obeys the rule of lineal change strictly .

  9. 结果表明,36h烟碱降解率为83.83%,其降解过程符合Monod模型的零级反应,动力学方程为:C(t)

    The results showed that 83.83 % of nicotine was degraded in 36 h , the degradation process of nicotine followed zero-order reaction of Monod model .

  10. 此条件下,反应时间为3h时三氯生的去除率可达到99%以上,三氯生的降解为零级反应。

    Under such conditions , the removal efficiency of triclosan is over 99 % when reaction time is 3h and triclosan degradation basically accords with the zero order kinetics .

  11. 不同停留时间下,固定化镰刀菌对4-CP的降解基本符合零级反应动力学。

    The kinetic of 4-CP degradation in different retention time accords with zero order equation .

  12. MBR系统中污泥的亚硝化、反硝化作用均呈零级反应,对应降解速率常数分别约为传统活性污泥的2.2倍和2.5倍;MBR中硝化作用规律不明显。

    Both ammonium-oxidizing and denitrifying reaction in MBR accord to zero-grade reaction formula , and the corresponding degradation rate constant was 2.2 and 2.5 times respectively over CAS . The nitrifying rule is not obvious in MBR .

  13. 动力学研究表明,CNN的分解反应为零级反应,活化能为258.42×103J/mol,升高温度其分解速率加快。

    A dynamic study shows that the decomposition reaction of CNN is of zero order , its activation energy is 258.42 × 10 ~ 3 J / mol , and its decomposition rate becomes higher if the temperature is raised .

  14. 本文着重介绍了在一定温度下、经112d的土壤培育后、用直线回归方程(零级反应)叙述氮矿化反应。

    The objective in this study is to describe the nitrogen mineralization reactions by the linear regression equations ( zero-order ) after soil incubation about 112d at a certain temperature .

  15. 并通过初始速率法确定了反应符合零级反应动力学。

    Zero - order kinetics was confirmed by initial concentration method .

  16. 脱色反应为动力学零级反应。

    The decoloration reaction is a zero order .

  17. 动力学分析表明,超声-电凝聚法除磷过程符合零级反应动力学规律。

    Kinetic analysis showed that phosphorus removal by ultra-sonic assisted EC method met the zero-order kinetics .

  18. 脱色反应为一级反应,铁屑溶解符合零级反应。

    The decoloring reaction is a first order and the iron dissolving is a zero order .

  19. 从活化反应研究可以认为实验范围内,就碳来说是属于零级反应。

    It can be assumed that this reaction , on base of carbon , is at zero order .

  20. 在细胞生长稳定期,发酵速率与基质浓度的关系类似零级反应;

    Besides , the relationship of fermenting rate in stationary phase and glucose concentration was similar to zero level reaction .

  21. 实验结果表明,吸收过程中尿素溶液浓度随时间的变化呈线性关系,即为零级反应方程;

    The experimental results show that the relationship between urea concentration and time is linear , and the reaction order is zero .

  22. 对紫胶树脂的溶解前期进行的动力学分析,证明其为零级反应。

    Results indicated that the dissolving process of lac resin in sodium carbonate was an acid-base reaction in a zero grade mode .

  23. 实验发现,无柠檬酸时体系为准零级反应,表观活化能为54.3kJ/mol。

    The experimental results indicate that the system is quasi-zero-order reaction without citric acid . The apparent activation energy is 54.3 kJ / mol.

  24. 实验结果表明:在晶种制备阶段[Fe~(2+)]的转化率随时间几乎呈直线变化,符合零级反应的动力学特征;

    The results show that it is almost linear relation between time and Fe2 + conversion accordingly to kinetics feature of zero order reaction .

  25. 不含抗氧剂的25%抗坏血酸溶液在98℃的绝氧降解也是假零级反应。

    The anaerobic degradation at 98 ℃ of 25 % ascorbic acid solution , not containing antioxidants , was found to be a pseudo-zero order reaction too .

  26. 结果表明:固定化细胞的降解活性会在半连续流降解实验中得到恢复与增强,固定化细胞对2,4DCP的降解遵循零级反应动力学。

    Results showed that bioactivity of the immobilized cells was recovered and improved in the process of fed-batch test . The kinetics of 2,4-DCP biodegradation could be described with zero-order model .

  27. 结果表明,微波合成纳米碳化钛粉体的化学反应属零级反应,且确定了反应动力学方程及反应的活化能。

    The result showed that the chemical reaction of microwave synthesizing nano-TiC is a zero level reaction , the kinetic equation of the reaction and the reaction 's activation energy were confirmed .

  28. 虾青素酯水解的一级反应速度常数和游离虾青素降解的零级反应速度常数都与树脂用量成线性关系。

    The rate constants of the hydrolysis reaction ( first order ) of astaxanthin esters and the degradation reaction ( zero order ) of astaxanthin were directly proportional to the dosage of basic ion exchange resin .

  29. 反硝化对NO3~-及有机基质呈零级动力学反应。

    Denitrification referred to a zero order dynamic reaction .

  30. 一维几何对称催化剂颗粒内零级等温反应的理论分析&1.忽略外扩散影响

    Theoretical analysis of zero-order isothermal reactions within one-dimension geometry symmetry catalyst particles ── 1.neglecting external diffusion