
  • Leo;Jonathan Leor;Léo
  1. 雷欧有一支画笔和调色盘。

    Leo has a paintbrush and a palette .

  2. 雷欧阻挠了一次抢劫,他作为幽灵的真实性得到了确定。

    After Leo thwarts a robbery , his real - that is , ghostly - status is affirmed .

  3. 琼:您那位克雷欧伯母是在那里出生的?

    Joanne : where was your aunt Cleo born ?

  4. 拉:克雷欧伯母是一所学校的教师。

    Rachel : aunt Cleo was a schoolteacher .

  5. 在这一命令公布数小时之后,索维奇就离开了巴黎东南部的雷欧监狱。

    Within hours of the announcement , Sauvage was seen leaving the Reau prison in southeastern Paris .

  6. 科恩和雷欧在制造心肌补片的计画中已合作六年。

    Smadar Cohen and Jonathan Leor have been collaborating for six years to create a cardiac muscle patch .

  7. 雷欧瑞克只是向他们吐口水,并大骂他们是妄图夺走他皇冠与光明的叛徒。

    Leoric only spat at them and cursed them for traitors against both his crown and the Light .

  8. 于是他搬到城市,和一个女孩交上朋友,女孩以为雷欧只是自己的想象。

    So he moves to the city , where he befriends a girl who thinks he 's strictly imaginary .

  9. 被丧子之痛与痴呆癫狂压倒,雷欧瑞克以叛国罪处死了许多村民。

    Overcome by grief and dementia , Leoric had many of the townsfolk executed for the crime of high treason .

  10. 这幢别墅有一座广阔的葡萄园,他的波雷欧葡萄酒就是在这里生产的,每年产量约35000瓶。

    The villa boasts a vineyard where around 35000 bottles of his wine , Poleo , are bottled every year .

  11. 深陷疯狂剧痛的雷欧瑞克王得知自己儿子失踪的消息后勃然大怒。

    King Leoric , deep within the throes of madness , went into a rage when he learned that his son was missing .

  12. 大恶魔考量了在上面城镇居住的人们,并决定选取其中最强的的一个&雷欧瑞克国王。

    The great demon weighed the souls residing in the town above , and chose to take the strongest of them-that of King Leoric .

  13. 雷欧是一个小幽灵。罗宾逊用动人的笔触,将他绘制成一个极为可爱、看起来充满希望的蜡笔轮廓。雷欧觉得,在他游荡的房子里,大家都不喜欢他。

    Leo , a little ghost drawn touchingly by Robinson as an improbably sweet and hopeful-looking crayoned outline , feels unwanted in the house he is haunting .

  14. 他的访问引发一些刚果人的愤怒,他们说,鉴于雷欧颇勒得二世对刚果的杀戮和残忍,阿尔贝二世的访问是不恰当的。

    His visit has angered some Congolese who say it 's inappropriate , given the killings and brutality inflicted on the country by the king 's predecessor Leopold II .

  15. 雷欧瑞克对自己的牧师隐瞒了这黑暗的秘密,期望自己虔诚的正义足以驱除这从内部滋长出来的腐败&他大错特错了。

    Leoric hid his dark secret from his Priests , hoping that somehow his own devout righteousness would be enough to exorcise that corruption growing inside him-he was sorely mistaken .

  16. 派出留守修道院的少数守卫巡查整个村庄无果之后,雷欧瑞克认定是村民绑架他的儿子并藏匿在某个地方。

    After scouring the village with the few guards that remained within at the monastery , Leoric had decided that the townsfolk had abducted his son and hidden him somewhere .

  17. 雷欧瑞克王无视于顾问的告诫,坎多拉斯的皇家军队奉命去北方进行这场他们无法相信的战争。

    Leoric ignored the warnings and admonishments of his advisors and the royal army of Khanduras was ordered to the North to engage in a war that they did not believe in .

  18. 虽然村民们否认自己了解任何有关阿尔布雷特下落的线索,雷欧瑞克仍坚持认为是他们策划了一个反对他的阴谋,并且他们将会为这种谋逆付出代价。

    Although the townsfolk denied any knowledge of Prince Albrecht 's whereabouts , Leoric insisted that they had crafted a conspiracy against him , and that they would pay the price for such treachery .

  19. 雷和欧布莱恩发现,用户很喜欢各种品牌授权的表情符号,他们相信广告主肯定希望非常便捷地通过一家供应商来进入多种短信应用。

    Wray and O ' Brien saw the way users eagerly engaged with their branded emojis , and believed advertisers appreciated the convenience of using one vendor to get many different messaging apps .