
  • 网络Raiffa
  1. 目前,雷法已经拥有两万名固定读者,并且告诉我印度最有名的威士忌之乡旁遮普省(punjab)也已经开始将目光投向葡萄酒。

    Today she has about 20000 regular readers , and reports that even the whisky state of Punjab is being converted to the grape .

  2. 贝雷法级配设计方法简介

    An introduction to Bailey method in the design of gradation

  3. 雷法与民间信仰、民间宗教也有着甚深的渊源;

    Thirdly , I believe that the folk religion originated from the Thunder rites ;

  4. 雷神、雷法与清微道派研究

    A Study on the Thunder God , the Thunder Rites and the Qingwei Sect

  5. 劳工管理关系法通常称为塔夫脱一哈特雷法,规定了工会和雇主双方的行为准则。

    The Labor Management Relations Act , better known as the Taft-Hartley Act , prescribed standards of conduct for unions as well as for employers .

  6. 制品在大型干法水泥回转窑冷却带使用,效果达到了西德雷法公司的同类产品水平。

    The application of the brick in large dry-method cement kiln has shown good results which can be compared to the similar import brick from German .

  7. 文中基于瑞雷法,导出计算多自由度系统振动基频的新算法,并就两个算例与文献所提供的其他方法进行比较。

    A new algorithm was deduced out from the conventional Rayleigh method , and the comparison of operational precision and computation efficiency was conducted on 2 examples .

  8. 雷法,形成于两宋之际,是道教传统的符箓派在新的历史条件下,将原有的符咒之术与内丹功夫相结合,而推出的一种新型的道法。

    Formed in the Song Dynasty , the Thunder rites is a new type magic arts integrating the Taoism charm and the interior elixirs ( neidan ), under the new historical circumstance .

  9. 本文对矿井通风网络计算的传统方法斯考德-恒斯雷法进行了分析之后,提出了更为严密的适用于电子计算机计算矿井通风网络的新方法牛顿法。

    In this paper , the conventional Scott-Hinsley method for calculating the mine ventilation network is analyzed . And a new method , the Newton system , which is more accurate and suitable for computer calculations is proposed .

  10. 函数项级数中狄利克雷判别法的必要性

    On Necessity of Solutions about Dirichlet Experimental Method in Functional Series

  11. 相邻道瞬态瑞雷面波法与压实度检测

    Method of neighboring trace transient Rayleigh wave and its application in compactness inspection

  12. 瑞雷面波法在路基压实度检测中的应用

    Application of Rayleigh Wave Method in Roadbed Compactness Detection

  13. 瞬态瑞雷面波法在西安地裂缝勘探中的应用研究地面导线电磁勘探法

    Applications and Researches of Transient Rayleigh Surface Wave Method in Xi'an Ground Fissures

  14. 瞬态瑞雷面波法在勘探海堤抛石体中的应用

    Application of Transient State Rayleigh Wave Method on the Exploration of the Seawall Enrockment

  15. 瞬态瑞雷面波法在基础勘探中的应用&以库车国贸购物中心为例

    The Application of Transient Rayleigh Wave in Foundational Exploration in Kuqa Trade Shopping Center

  16. 实际路基的压实度检测表明,瑞雷面波法检测得到的频散曲线很好的反映了路基的压实情况。

    The applied results indicate that the dispersion curve reflects the complexion of subgrade compaction very well .

  17. 浅析瑞雷面波法路基压实度的无破损检测

    Analysis on the Principle of the Non-destructive Detection for the Compactness of Roadbed with Rayleigh Wave Method

  18. 瞬态瑞雷面波法在吉林市松江路工程勘察中的应用

    Application of the transient state Rayleigh wave technique in the engineering exploration of the Songjiang Road , Jilin City

  19. 应用瞬态瑞雷面波法对公路工程的质量检测,具有非破损性、高代表性的优点,能很好的适应公路工程快速发展的需求。

    The method using transient Rayleigh surface wave has advantages of the non-destructive test and good representation to meet the needs of the highly-developed highway engineering .

  20. 瞬态瑞雷波检测单桩承载力模型研究相邻道瞬态瑞雷面波法与压实度检测

    The Application of Transient Wave Test Technique in Estimating the Bearing Capacity of Pile ; Method of neighboring trace transient Rayleigh wave and its application in compactness inspection

  21. 在上述理论的基础上,利用瑞雷面波法,结合实际的工程地质工作,可进行高速公路路基质量的检测。

    On the basis of above theory , using rayleigh wave method and combining with a small amount of engineering geology work , inspection of roadbed disease can be performed .

  22. 然而,德雷兹试验法可能即将过时。

    The Draize test may be on the way out , however .

  23. 瑞雷面波勘探法是一种新型的工程地球物理勘探方法。

    The Rayleigh surface wave prospecting is a new method of the engineering geophysical exploration .

  24. 应用吸烟加反复肺炎克雷伯杆菌感染法建立大鼠慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)模型。

    In order to observe the treatment effect of Chinese herb 814 on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) induced by smoke in combination with Klebsiella Pneumoniae , a rat COPD model was established by smoking and repeatedly intranasal infection .