
  • 网络demand-side;demand side
  1. 同时集抄系统能与省级电力公司的MIS系统或需求侧管理平台软件进行数据通信,上传抄收的数据。

    At the same time , concentration and collection system connects with provincial power companies MIS systems or demand-side management software platform for data communications , and uploads the data .

  2. 电价与电力需求侧管理二次电价管理的计算机实现

    Electrovalence and Electrical Demand-side Management Computer Realization of Secondary Power Price Management

  3. 会议提出,要扭住供给侧结构性改革,同时注重需求侧改革,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。

    Reforms on both supply and demand sides should be carried out to achieve a dynamic equilibrium on a higher level , in which demand and supply can boost each other , said the meeting .

  4. 开展电力需求侧管理,实施由政府主导的节电管理系统工程,是降低单位GDP能耗的关键措施之一。

    To develop DSM and implement government-leading energy conservation management system engineering is one of the key measures to decrease energy consumption per unit GDP .

  5. 需求侧管理(Demandsidemanagement)要求通过电价改革改变需求方式,改善负荷曲线,实现战略用电与节能。

    DSM ( Demand Side Management ) asks to change the mode of demand through the reform of the electricity price , to improve the load curve and to realize strategic uses of electricity and energy conservation .

  6. 全面深入推行电力需求侧管理,可为实现十一五GDP单耗降低20%的目标提供有力保障。

    To carry DSM work to a deep level can guarantee the 11th five-year plan object of lowering energy consumption per unit GDP by 20 % .

  7. 需求侧响应是近几年经济合作暨发展组织(OECD)会员国研究和实践的一个新型课题。

    Demand side response has been a new topic of research and practice in OECD countries in recent years .

  8. 需求侧实时电价(RTP)是电力市场下需求响应的重要手段之一。

    Demand side real-time pricing ( RTP ) is a critical measure of demand response in electricity markets .

  9. 因此,需求侧可中断负荷(IL)和发电侧备用容量一样,都可作为系统的备用容量参与辅助服务市场。

    Therefore , both the interruptible load ( IL ) of demand side and the reserve capacity of generation side can be involved in ancillary services markets as system reserve .

  10. XX公司必须加强电力需求侧管理,在实施时可以从技术手段、管理手段及财政手段这三个方面来加强XX公司电力需求侧管理。

    XX company must strengthen the demand side management , which can be implemented by three aspects : techniques , management and finance Optimize such processes as power measurement .

  11. 主要介绍了基于中低压电力网的电力需求侧数据网络的建设,并在此基础上对远程抄表、IP电话、视频监控、配变监测等应用进行了试验研究。

    This thesis mainly presents the construction of medium and low voltage power demand side data network , and studies the power demand side applications of remote AMR 、 IP phone 、 video surveillance and control 、 distribution transformer surveillance and measure and so on .

  12. 首先,针对目前我国存在的电力资源分布不平衡现象,应用激励Stackelberg策略建立电力市场需求侧的激励电价模型。

    First , aiming at the imbalance phenomenon of power resources in our country , incentive Stackelberg strategy is applied to set up incentive power pricing model of power market .

  13. 无线POS移动缴费系统是着重于需求侧电费管理,集移动通讯技术、无线POS技术、数据接口技术,实现电费缴费和电费预收的一体化综合缴费系统。

    Wireless mobile POS payment system is focused on electricity demand side management , set mobile communication technology , wireless POS technology , data interface technology , and the electricity tariff in advance of the integrated payment integrated payment systems .

  14. 若希望需求侧管理在21世纪继续发挥更大作用,需要深入研究综合资源战略规划(IRSP)。

    If we hope it will continue to play the stronger role in the21 ( superscript th ) century , we should study IRSP deeply .

  15. 电力需求侧市场运营的若干问题研究

    Research on Several Key Problems of Electricity Demand Side Market Operation

  16. 电力需求侧管理在济南地区的应用

    The Power Demand Side Management Used in the Area of Jinan

  17. 介绍基于远程用电监测的电力用户需求侧管理支持系统设计。

    A power demand side management support system is briefly described .

  18. 紧急电压态势下的需求侧管理

    Demand side Management for Voltage ′ s Urgent State and Tendency

  19. 电力市场环境下需求侧管理的成本效益分析模型及优化

    Cost-benefit analysis model of DSM in power market and its optimization

  20. 中国潜在的能源危机与电力需求侧管理

    China 's Latent Energy Resource Crisis and Administration of Power Demands

  21. 需求侧管理模式在水资源管理中的应用

    The application of Demand Side Management Model on water resources management

  22. 用科学发展观指导首都电力需求侧管理工作

    Taking the view of scientific development to guide capital DSM work

  23. 昆明电网采取有效措施加强电力需求侧管理

    Kunming Power Supply Company takes effective measures to strengthen DSM work

  24. 一种可操作的需求侧管理峰谷分时电价定价方法

    An Operable Peak-Valley Time-of-Use Tariff Setting Method for Demand Side Management

  25. 电力企业实施需求侧管理的探讨

    Exploration of Power Demand Side Management for the Electric Power Enterprises

  26. 引入清洁发展机制的电力需求侧管理项目一般均衡分析

    Analysis of DSM projects under Clean Development Mechanism using CGE models

  27. 需求侧响应在中国局部地区实施的可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Demand Side Response in China Local Area

  28. 加强电力需求侧管理促进国民经济全面协调可持续发展

    Implement DSM And Promote National Economy to Coordinate Sustainable Development All-sided

  29. 推行电力需求侧管理技术提高能源利用效率

    Popularization of electric need side management technology and improving energy resources utilization

  30. 北京地区用电需求侧管理及分析

    Research and application of demand side management in Beijing region