
ní hóng dēng
  • neon lamp;neon light;neon tube;neon
霓虹灯 [ní hóng dēng]
  • [neon light] 灯的一种,在真空中玻璃管内充入氖[或氩等惰性气体],两端安装电极,通电后发出红色或蓝色的光。多用做广告灯或信号灯

霓虹灯[ní hóng dēng]
  1. 脉冲调制式霓虹灯电子镇流器

    Neon Lamp Electronic Ballast Operating on Pulse Width Modulation

  2. 超级节电,耗电是霓虹灯的使分之一。

    Energy saving , the consumption is1 / 10 of traditional neon lamp .

  3. 门上方霓虹灯忽明忽暗地闪烁着。

    A neon sign flashed on and off above the door .

  4. 在城市广场上,霓虹灯依次闪烁。

    In the city squares the neon lights flashed in turn .

  5. 霓虹灯在渐浓的雾霭中隐约闪烁。

    Neon lights gleamed in the deepening mists .

  6. 好莱坞的霓虹灯吸引着很多人。

    The bright lights of Hollywood beckon many .

  7. 霓虹灯在雾霭中发出柔和的光。

    Neon lights gleamed in the mists .

  8. 面临抑郁、焦虑和自杀风险的青少年,常常把自己的问题表现得如同霓虹灯标识一般明显。

    Teenagers at risk of depression , anxiety and suicide often wear their troubles like a neon sign .

  9. 但是,很多霓虹灯都变暗了,取而代之的是更实用,但是不那么浪漫的LED灯。

    But many of them are going dark , replaced by more practical , but less romantic , LEDs .

  10. “我喜欢霓虹灯的美丽、手工制作、老派的特点,”布朗斯说道。

    I love the beautiful , handcrafted , old-fashioned quality of neon , says Blance .

  11. 霓虹灯之于香港,就像红色的电话亭之于伦敦,大雾之于旧金山一样。

    Neon is to Hong Kong as red phone booths are to London and fog is to San Francisco .

  12. 制作一个霓虹灯指示牌是一项艺术,是由受过在岗培训的专业人士完成的,他们把玻璃管塑造成装饰用的形状和字母。

    Building a neon sign is an art practiced by professionals trained on the job to mold glass tubes into decorative shapes and letters .

  13. 当夜幕降临时,红色、蓝色和其他颜色为这座被成千上万个霓虹灯指示牌点亮的城市蒙上了一层雾蒙蒙的微光。

    When night falls , red and blue and other colors cast a hazy glow over a city lit up by tens of thousands of neon signs .

  14. “对我来说,霓虹灯代表往日的记忆,”摄影师莎伦布朗斯说。她的《香港霓虹灯》系列摄影纪念着这座城市著名的指示牌灯箱。

    To me , neon represents memories of the past , says photographer Sharon Blance , whose series Hong Kong Neon celebrates the city 's famous signs .

  15. 在千万灯光和霓虹灯的照耀下,建筑物的外墙规律地闪动着。

    Building facades pulsate with millions of lights and glowing neon display .

  16. 在巴塞尔艺术展上,白立方的英国艺术家特蕾西·埃明用冰蓝色的霓虹灯表达了一个发自内心的要求:“移动我”(前页图片)。

    For Art Basel , Tracey Emin , a British artist at White Cube , exhibited a heartfelt demand spelled out in icyblue neon : “ Move me ” ( pictured on previous page ) .

  17. LED柔性霓虹灯不同的颜色和长度可用。

    LED neon flex different colors and length available .

  18. 基于GPS授时的霓虹灯倒计时广告牌

    Neon lamp countdown billboard based on GPS

  19. 霓虹灯CAD系统

    Neon Light CAD System

  20. UML和MVC设计模式在霓虹灯软件建模的应用

    Application of UML and MVC in the modeling of neon light software

  21. 基于GPRS技术的霓虹灯动画远程更新系统

    Remote renew system of neon cartoon based on GPRS technique

  22. 其中环保节能经济型LED显屏霓虹灯,为公司的主打亮化产品。

    Environment-friendly and energy-saving LED Screen-Neon Light ( with combined effect of both screen and neon light ), is our flagship product .

  23. 我是做临时工的!服务范围:招牌,灯箱,电焊,各种金属字,水晶字,LED广告,霓虹灯制作及维修!

    Services : signs , light boxes , welding , metal words , crystal characters , LED advertising , production and maintenance of neon lights !

  24. 这位客户的Linux管理员真的很懒惰,他的办公室只用墙上昏暗的霓虹灯来照明。

    The customer was one of those lazy Linux admins whose office was only lit by the neon signs on his wall .

  25. 用EPROM分时控制多路霓虹灯

    Realization of Time sharing Control of Multiplex Neon Lamps with EPROM

  26. 广州市锐致广告招牌制品厂(简称:锐致标识)是一家以大型LED广告招牌工程、大型霓虹灯招牌工程、精工金属招牌及吸塑灯箱为主的大型终端生产厂家。

    Guangzhou Ruizhi Ad Sign Production Factory is a manufacturer that excels in the production of large scale LED , Neon advertising signs , precision metal signs and blister light boxes .

  27. 介绍一种基于GPRS网的远程数据传输方案,以实现对霓虹灯广告牌动画控制信息的定期自动更新。

    This paper introduces a remote data delivery method based on GPRS network to realize automatic data renew of neon cartoon ad board .

  28. 方形霓虹灯牌上标着英文小写字母“jcp”标志,让人感觉这里更像是一场后现代派的艺术展。

    Neon squares with a lowercase " JCP " bring to mind a postmodern art show .

  29. 自从20世纪90年代,霓虹灯开始迅速消失,招牌制作师傅和有关专家们说,香港的建筑规划愈来愈严格,新的标志都是用LED灯制作,它没有霓虹灯的暖意,但是更加明亮,保养费用也较为低廉。

    Neon has declined rapidly since the 1990s , sign makers and experts say , as building regulations here have tightened and new signs are made of LEDs , which lack neon 's warmth but are brighter and less expensive to maintain .

  30. 本文描述了一种用VMOS功率管作为开关元件的自激式高频高压脉冲产生电路,可用作霓虹灯驱动电源。

    The paper presents a high frequency , high voltage pulse generator by using VMOS power transistors .