  • haze;sky darkened by haze, etc
  • 空气中因悬浮着大量的烟、尘等微粒而形成的混浊形象:阴~。

  • 乱风时空中降下沙土,尘土飞扬。

  • 古同“埋”,埋葬。

  1. 汽车在晨霾中向前行进。

    The car drove in the morning haze .

  2. 说霾道霭&兼及1972年国际海上避碰规则中mist的翻译

    Discussion about " Haze " and " Mist " & Also Involving how Translating " mist " in the INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISIONS AT SEA , 1972

  3. 霾天气南京市大气PM(2.5)中水溶性离子污染特征

    Pollution Characteristics of Nanjing Water-soluble Ions in Air Fine Particles under Haze Days

  4. 正是在这种理念的引导下,罗斯格德和他的合伙人创造了世界上首座户外空气净化器“除霾塔”(SmogFreeTower)。

    It is that sort of philosophy that led Mr. Roosegaarde and his partners to create the Smog Free Tower , the world 's first outdoor air cleaner .

  5. 除了除霾塔,罗斯格德另有两个项目在吸引国际关注:与荷兰基础设施服务公司Heijmans合作的智能公路(SmartHighway)和梵高自行车道(VanGoghBicyclePath)。

    Apart from the Smog Free Tower , other Roosegaarde projects that are eliciting international interest are the Smart Highway and the Van Gogh Bicycle Path , in collaboration with Heijmans , the Dutch infrastructure services company .

  6. 结果表明,在近红外波段对于对流层大气中霾粒子的衰减预测应用Mie理论计算更合理;云雾引起的衰减一般较大,并且随着能见度的减小,衰减增加较快。

    The results show that Mie theory is more reasonable than experiential model for atmospheric hazes attenuation prediction in the troposphere . The attenuation induced by clouds and fog increase quickly with the visibility decrease .

  7. 惠更斯号一面在橘色的霾雾中飘移,探测器上的「气相层析质谱分析仪」(GCMS)将一面分析其大气组成。

    As Huygens floats through the orange haze , the probe 's Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer ( GCMS ) will analyze the composition of the atmosphere .

  8. 北京上半年空气质量优良天数比例为58.8%,同比上升10.2个百分点,该市致霾微细颗粒物PM2.5浓度平均为64微克/立方米,同比下降17.9%。

    In Beijing , the rate was 58.8 percent , an year-on-year increase of 10.2 percentage points , while the density of PM2.5 , fine particulate matter causing smog , stood at 64 micrograms on average , down 17.9 percent year on year .

  9. 12和13两日霾雾笼罩卡萨布兰卡。

    A haze lay over Casablanca on the 12th and 13th .

  10. 基于组件的区域霾监测系统及其反演算法

    Regional Haze Monitoring System Based on Component and Its Retrieval Algorithm

  11. 再论都市霾与雾的区别

    More Discussions on the differences between Haze and Fog in City

  12. 北京市冬季霾天气可吸入颗粒物的矿物学研究

    Mineralogical Study on Inhalable Particles during the Haze Period in Winter Beijing

  13. 周日早上,中国国家气象中心发布了霾黄色预警。

    The National Meteorological Center issued a yellow smog alert Sunday morning .

  14. 长期暴露在霾害中将导致肺癌,报导说。

    Long exposure to haze can lead to lung cancer , it added .

  15. 尘霾与污染甚至让她不得不放弃了每天的漫步。

    The dust and pollution has even deprived her of her daily jog .

  16. 山东省霾日时空变化特征及其与气候要素的关系

    Spatial-Temporal Variations of Hazes in Shandong Province and Its Relationship with Climate Elements

  17. 南阳市霾天气的气候特征及影响因素分析

    Nanyang Haze Weather Climate Characteristic and Influencing Factor Analysis

  18. 霾主要发生在秋冬季。

    Hazes mainly occurred in autumn and winter .

  19. 云霾堆积,黑暗渐深。

    Clouds heap upon clouds and it darkens .

  20. 由此得来的收益将被用于推进更多除霾塔的研发与建设工作。

    The proceeds will be put toward the development and construction of more towers .

  21. 巴黎“抗霾战”正式打响。

    Paris is fighting back against smog .

  22. 被称为霾的水滴是球形的。

    Haze water drops would be spherical .

  23. 北京市气象台发布了北京史上首个霾橙色预警。

    The municipal meteorological station has also issued the city 's first orange fog warning .

  24. 山东省霾时空变化特征及气候背景条件对霾的影响

    Spatial-temporal variations of hazes and the influence of climate conditions to hazes in Shandong Province

  25. 即使很冷也能看到热霾

    even when the air feels cold .

  26. 霾天气作为一种新的灾害性天气受到人们越来越多的关注。

    As a new disastrous weather events , haze has attracted more attention in recent years .

  27. 兰州市霾日与气象参数和空气质量的关系研究

    Analysis on the relationship between the Haze and Meteorological parameters and the air quality in Lanzhou

  28. 去年,北京近700架航班因为霾和烟雾被取消。

    Last year nearly 700 flights were canceled at Beijing airports because of haze and smog .

  29. 一件事情我当然知道我将不在完全的霾里如此迅速地移动我的心。

    One thing I sure know I won 't move so fast My mind in complete haze .

  30. 霾日数的变化与气温成正比,与降水量、风速呈反比。

    The day number of hazes was proportional to temperature , but inversely proportional to wind speed .
