
  1. 青山口组以G3砂体为界,其下是层序1的湖泊扩张体系域,其上是层序1的湖泊萎缩体系域。

    The formation inside its is lake expanding system tract of sequence 1 , and on its is lake contracting system tract .

  2. 其中河口坝砂岩在青山口组内广泛发育,是最重要的储层微相类型。

    It is the most important type of reservoir microfacies .

  3. 盆地东部生长断层的活动到青山口组末期才基本结束。

    Fault growth activities could not cease basically until the late Qingshankou Formation .

  4. 松辽盆地南部乾安油田青山口组发育大量含片钠铝石砂岩。

    The Qingshankou Formation in the Qian'an oil field of the south Songliao basin contains abundant dawsonite-bearing sandstone .

  5. 以局部不整合、沉积转换面为标志,青山口组可划分出4个三级层序。

    Marked by the local unconformity and sedimentary transformation base , Qingshankou Formation can be subdivided into 4 third-order sequences .

  6. 这一结果不仅可定量评价青山口组泥岩盖层的烃浓度封闭能力,而且可将烃浓度封闭能力的评价扩展到平面上。

    The estimation result favours both quantitative evaluation ofhydrocarbon sealing ability of Qingshankou mud barrier and planar evaluation ofhydrocarbon sealing ability .

  7. 以古龙凹陷青山口组源岩为例,分析了超压源岩含气体积分数分布特征及天然气扩散特征。

    Using K1qn sourcerock in Gulong sag as an example , gas-bearing concentration characteristics and gas diffusion characteristics of pressured sourcerock were analyzed .

  8. 青山口组一段油页岩主要形成于半深湖&深湖相的厌氧环境,深湖环境为油页岩的形成提供了物质基础和有机质保存的条件。

    Oil shale in the first section of Qingshankou formation was formed by anaerobic condition of semi-deep-deep lacustrine facies which provided preservation condition of material base and organic matter .

  9. 松辽盆地南部青山口组及嫩江组的成熟源岩分布有限,其丰富的生物气资源亦应作为以后的天然气勘探目标。

    The mature source rocks are limited in Qingshankou and Nenjiang formations in the Southern Songliao Basin , but the rich biogas resources ought to be prospecting target in the future .

  10. 葡一油层是大庆油田的主要产层之一,由白垩纪姚家组底部和青山口组顶部地层组成,为河流-三角洲相沉积。

    Pu-1 oil layer , one of most important productivity layers , composed with lower part of Cretaceous Yaojia Formation and upper part of Qingshankou Formation , is river and delta sedimentary .

  11. 受低渗透性嫩江组和青山口组地层的阻挡,压力主要在姚家组地层中传播,姚家组与上下地层之间的界面有压力积聚现象。

    The low permeability of Nenjiang formation and Qingshankou formation results in pressure mainly propagating in the Yaojia formation . The phenomenon of pressure accumulate occurs at the interfaces between the Yaojia formation and other formations .

  12. 对油层超压和青山口组泥岩超压的分布表明青山口组目前扔在生烃并向葡萄花油层供烃,并且认为这是向斜成藏的重要物质条件。

    Right reservoir overpressure and overpressure shale Qingshankou Qingshankou the distribution of that group is now thrown into the hydrocarbon reservoir for the hydrocarbons to the grape flowers , and think that this is an important material syncline reservoir conditions .

  13. 青山口组主要发育三角洲沉积和浅水三角洲沉积,砂体主要分布在西部地区,物源主要来自西部、西南部和南部,研究区东部为泥质沉积。

    Delta and shallow delta develops in the Qingshankou formation . The sand body distributes in the western area , the provenance come from the west , southwest and south of the research area , the east is muddy sediment .

  14. 青山口组主要发育湖泊相与三角洲相2种沉积相类型,湖泊相包括2种亚相与4种微相,三角洲相包括2种亚相和2种微相。

    The results show that Qingshankou Formation is mainly composed of lacustrine and delta facies . The lacustrine facies includes 2 types of sedimentary subfacies and 4 types of sedimentary microfacies . Delta facies includes 2 types of sedimentary subfacies and 2 types of sedimentary microfacies .

  15. 王府凹陷发育良好的生储盖组合,青山口组、嫩江组半深湖-深湖相暗色泥岩丰富,构成主要烃源岩;

    Semi deep lake and deep lake facies dark mudstone is abundant in Qingshankou formation and Nenjiang formation , which is the main hydrocarbon source rock , and the reservoir rocks are dominated by channel fancies sandstone bodies of Quantou formation and fan delta sandstone bodies of Yingcheng formation .