
  • 网络YOUTH DAILY;Thanh Nien;Tuoi Tre;Youth newspaper
  1. 《中国青年报》在2010年4月进行的一项调查显示,在2072位被调查者中,有83%的人承认写字的时候会遇到“提笔忘字”的情况。

    A poll commissioned by the China Youth Daily in April 2010 found that 83 percent of the 2072 respondents admitted having problems writing characters , forgetting how to write traditional Chinese characters – literally .

  2. 据《北京青年报》(BeijingYouthDaily)周一报道,北京市为当地冠军企业三元(Sanyuan)拨款1000万元人民币(合160万美元),以开发“适合中国婴儿成长”的中国本土品牌。

    Beijing city has allocated Rmb10m ( $ 1.6m ) to local champion Sanyuan to develop a national indigenous brand " fit for the growth of Chinese babies , " the Beijing Youth Daily reported on Monday .

  3. 今年我改订《北京青年报》了。

    This year I changed my subscription to Beijing youth .

  4. 《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)对所谓的拜“金”主义提出质疑,并称羽球赛场丑闻刺痛奥运神经。

    China Youth Daily questioned what it called China 's gold obsession and how the scandal has ' pricked the Olympic nerves . '

  5. 中国官方媒体《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)称,周一上海两机场共取消了199架次航班,118架次延误两小时或更长时间。

    Between the two airports , 199 flights were cancelled and another 118 were delayed two hours or more on Monday , according to the state-run China Youth Daily .

  6. 据《北京青年报》报道,在对一对老夫妻的行李进行常规X光检查时,广州白云国际机场的安检人员注意到里面有可移动的物体。

    According to the Beijing Youth Daily , security at southern Guangdong 's Baiyun International Airport noticed movement in an elderly couple 's luggage when they placed their bags through an x-ray machine .

  7. 《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)最近一项调查发现,多数观众是抱着了解“育儿之道”的想法收看这档节目的,只有25.9%的人是冲着“明星家庭的隐私”去观看的。

    A recent survey by China Youth Daily found that most viewers watch the show for what they can learn about how to raise balanced children - and only a quarter watch it for a peek at celebrity family life .

  8. 不过,根据上周二北京青年报报道,高铁覆不覆盖WiFi应当由市场需求来决定。

    However , on last Tuesday Beijing Youth Daily said it should be market demand that decides whether the WiFi is offered on board trains or not .

  9. 克里曼告诉《北京青年报》记者,tuhao与英语中bling(意指穿名牌衣服戴璀璨珠宝)一词有着相似之处。

    Kleeman told the Beijing Youth Daily that tuhao has some similarities with the English word bling , which refers to expensive , ostentatious clothing or jewelry .

  10. 根据北京青年报报道,在火车上的WIFI信号将来自沿途的3G和4G服务提供商,且每台火车的无线网络将会支持120个设备同时接入访问。

    According to Beijing Youth Daily , the WiFi signals on the trains will come from the 3G and 4G services providers along the way , and the wireless network capacity will be able to accommodate 120 devices at the same time on each train .

  11. 中国青年报《冰点》周刊教育类报道研究

    China Youth Daily " Freezing Point " Reports Education Week Study

  12. 中国青年报报道了这两个阵营的观点。

    China Youth Daily has aired the views of both camps .

  13. 中国青年报专题系列报道研究

    A Study in the Thematic Series Reports of China Youth Daily

  14. 从人民日报、经济日报、中国青年报、中国消费者报、《新闻战线》、《中国记者》等报刊杂志中获取了许多有价值的资料。

    Obtaining the valuable information from People 's Daily and China Journalist .

  15. 新闻报道中的专家图像&对《中国青年报》专家意见报道的内容分析

    Content Analyses of the News Influenced by Professionals in China Youth Daily

  16. 《中国青年报》称这群人为网络原住民;

    China Youth Daily has called them the Internet 's * indigenous residents ;

  17. 《中国青年报》80后媒介形象分析

    Analysis on the Media Image of the Generation after 80s on China Youth Daily

  18. 《北京青年报》的核心产品在于报纸新闻的深度报道;

    The core production of Beijing youth is the deep report of the news .

  19. 《青年报》的在线调查共有346名在上海工作的大学毕业生参加。

    The Youth Daily online survey involved 346 respondents from college graduates working in Shanghai .

  20. 媒体如何体现人文关怀&以《北京青年报》的报导为例

    How do Medium Embody Human Care & An Example of the Reports of Beijing Youth Daily

  21. 论《北京青年报》的版面风格

    Layout style of Beijing Youth Baily

  22. 从《北京青年报》的办报实践看报业最需要的三种人才

    On three kinds of personnel urgently needed in the newspaper industry through practices of Beijing Youth Daily

  23. 据《中国青年报》称,这次考试的成绩占学生期末总分的30%。

    China Youth Daily says that the identity test accounted for 30 % of their overall grade .

  24. 《中国青年报》最新调查显示,时下女汉子十分普遍。

    According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily , tough women have become rather common in society .

  25. 第一章重点分析了《中国青年报》特别报道栏目批评报道的选题特点以及选题特点的促成因素分析。

    Chapter 1 focuses on analyzing subject selection of the Special Report of China Youth Daily and its resons .

  26. 一位雇员告诉青年报,这样做是为了防止竞争对手山寨他们的设计。

    An employee told the paper that it had been put up to avoid competitors from copying their designs .

  27. 据《北京青年报》报道,一位年轻女士表示,考虑到金价太高,她决定推迟购买黄金饰品。

    One young woman told the Beijing Youth Daily she was delaying gold purchases because prices were so high .

  28. 本文是《北京青年报》总编辑张延平在21世纪新闻学教育峰会上的即兴演讲,其观点令人耳目一新。

    This article is based on the adlib by ZHANG Yan-ping at a 21st century international summit on journalistic education .

  29. 《中国青年报》针对1953人进行的一项调查显示,75.7%的受访者对他们的第一份工作感到满意。

    A survey by China Youth Daily showed that 75.7 % of 1953 respondents were satisfied with their first job .

  30. 上海青年报周一还报道《末代皇帝》的演员陈冲也加盟了剧组。

    The Shanghai Qingnian newspaper reported Monday that Joan Chen from " The Last Emperor " has also been cast .