
  • 网络Youth Magazine;Young Magazine
  1. 《甲寅杂志》(月刊):孕育《青年杂志》的母体

    Jiayin Magazine ( the Monthly ): the Mother 's Body Pregnant with Youth Magazine

  2. 论魏氏月体纳甲说及其对虞氏易学的影响《甲寅杂志》(月刊):孕育《青年杂志》的母体

    On WEI Bo-yang s Yue-ti-na-jia theory and its impact on YU Fan s I Ching learning ; Jiayin Magazine ( the Monthly ): the Mother 's Body Pregnant with Youth Magazine

  3. 在最新一期的《青年》杂志上,这位母亲与全国的年轻人分享了她给女儿们的学校建议。

    In the latest issueof Youth magazine , the mother shared the school advice she gave her daughters with young people across the country .

  4. 《辽宁青年》杂志社员工激励机制研究

    Research on Employee Incentive Mechanism of " Liaoning Youth " Press

  5. 你要订阅《中国青年》杂志吗?

    Are you going to subscribe to the magazine China youth ?

  6. 第一章考察了《新青年》杂志在西部的传播状况及特点。

    The first chapter studies the media state and specialty of New Youth in the west of China .

  7. 陈独秀在中国创办《新青年》杂志,发起并领导了五四新文化运动。

    In China Chen established the " New Youth " magazine , initiated and led the New Culture Movement .

  8. 《新青年》杂志关于世界语的讨论是新文化运动时期学术讨论的重要内容之一。

    The discussion of Esperanto by the New Youth was one of important academic discussions during the New Culture Movement .

  9. 鲁迅并非《新青年》杂志以及新文化运动的主将,而是一名战将。

    Lu Xun is not the important organizer of the New Youth and the New Culture Movement , but a fighter .

  10. 彻底巅覆与全面重建&《新青年》杂志之陈独秀反孔教思想浅论

    Subvert Completely and Rebuild in an All-round Way & Brief comment about Chen du-xiu ' thought against Kong Jiao at the 《 New Young 》 magazine

  11. 《新青年》杂志是中国20世纪文学史、思想史研究不可能被忽视的一个重要文献。

    " New Youth " as an important document in 20th-century Chinese literature and the history have a great impact to the entire 20th century Chinese literature .

  12. 随感录是《新青年》杂志中专门发表杂感的一个栏目,这种杂感是中国现代杂文的早期形态。

    Impressions Record is a column in the Youth magazine that is dedicated to publish essays inspired by random thoughts , a rudiment form of Chinese modern essay .

  13. 《新青年》杂志对科学问题的探讨已上升到科学主义层面,并与中国新文学有着内在的学理逻辑联系。

    The discussion on scientific problems in " The New Youth " was upgraded to the nature of science , which had theoretic logical relationship with Chinese new literature .

  14. 二十世纪上半叶,在新文化运动的大潮中,鲁迅是《新青年》杂志的编辑会议成员和重要撰稿人。

    In flood tide of the New Culture Movement at the first half of 20th century , Lu Xun was the edition member and the important writer of the New Youth .

  15. 它是伴随着五四的时代背景,以陈独秀创办的《新青年》杂志为标志,先后出现的一种与传统文学相悖的文学现象。

    It is a literary phenomenon ran counter to traditional literature in the historical background of the movement . The emergency of New Youth marked its appearance . What is " death "?

  16. “娜拉”在“五四”启蒙话语中的显赫位置,与其最初的传播载体《新青年》杂志是绝对分不开的。

    The special significance of " Nora " in the May Fourth era , cannot be separated from the magazine New Youth , which acts as the foremost medium of enlightenment discourse .

  17. 作为一份面向都市青年的杂志,它好像一面镜子,折射出当时都市青年社会化过程中的众生百态及其种种苦痛艰辛;

    As a magazine of city youth , it was like a mirror that had reflected all kinds of life styles including their pains and troubles in the socialization process of the urban youth .

  18. 直到后来胡适敏锐地抓住语言问题,高擎白话大旗,引进西方自由诗形式,以《新青年》杂志为白话诗的重要话语据点,才逐渐呈现出一条现代汉诗形式的发生线索。

    Not until Hu Shi focuses on the verse in Vernacular Chinese , introduces the western free verse in the magazine The New Youth , does the clues of the occurrence of Modern Chinese Poetry reveal in the literature context .

  19. 《新青年》杂志是中国现代思想史上一柄最响亮的号角,一面最鲜艳的战旗,陈独秀正是手擎这面战旗、吹响这柄号角的时代英雄与先锋战士。

    The magazine New Youth is the loudest horn and the most bright - colored flag in the history of Chinese modern thinking . It is Chen Du-xiu , an era hero and pioneer soldier , who raises the flag and blows the horn .

  20. 以《新青年》杂志为主要载体的新文化运动紧紧围绕着现代与传统、东方与西方、新与旧的命题展开,但这一切总是摆不开道德伦理的基线。

    The new culture movement based on the magazine " The New Youth " was developed around the theme of the modern and traditional , east and west , old and new ; however , it could 't stay away from the moral line .

  21. 《青年世界》杂志就这个问题进行了讨论。

    The Young World magazine held a discussion on this topic .

  22. 伪满洲国时期《青年文化》杂志考述

    Investigation of the Periodical Youth Culture in Puppet Manchuria State

  23. 其他的改变还包括,性专栏作家将启用一个性欲强的女性,并且杂志将目标群体规定为有工作的男性。弗兰德斯说:“我们和全球青年时尚生活杂志的区别就在于我们的目标群是有工作的群体。”

    In other changes , the sex columnist will be a " sex-positive female " and the target of the magazine will be young employed males . " The difference between us and Vice , " Flanders said , " is that we 're going after the guy with a job . "