
  • 网络green juice
  1. •Freshmintleaves新鲜薄荷叶•Whiterum白朗姆酒•Icecubes冰块•Sodawater苏打水混合鲜榨青柠汁,糖和薄荷叶,捣碎拌匀

    Muddle the lime juice , sugar and mint leaves , crushing the mint

  2. 如果没有酸角的话,也可以用青柠汁代替。

    You can use lime juice if you don 't have any tamarind .

  3. 牛肉色拉,青柠檬汁,辣椒,鱼汁。

    Spicy beef salad cooked in lime juice , hot pepper and fish sauce .

  4. 宝蓝吉柠檬汁和青柠汁,适用于不同的烹饪、制作饮品和居家的高质量产品。

    Lemond'OR lemon juice and lime juice are suitable for different cooking , drinks and home products .

  5. 在制作糖边的时候使用水来润湿,而盐边则使用青柠檬汁。

    Water is used to affix sugar to the rim of a glass and lime juice is used to affix salt .

  6. 打碎,直到酱料光滑鲜亮为止,尝味,根据需要加入盐,辣椒粉,或是青柠汁。

    Whiz until shiny and smooth then have a taste and adjust with a bit more salt , chilli or lime juice if needed .

  7. 煎锅中下油烧热,把三文鱼饼煎熟,至两面金黄即关火,洒上青柠汁便成,趁热享用。

    Heat frying pan with some oil , fry the salmon patties until golden brown on both sides , turn off the heat and add lime juice ; Serve hot .

  8. 本试验选用鲜稻秸为试验材料进行青贮,探索乳酸菌和青玉米汁发酵液对水稻秸青贮发酵品质的影响,以及研究水稻秸青贮对奶牛消化率及生产性能的影响。

    The fresh rice straw was used for experiment material to study the effect of lactobacillus or the green corn fermented juice on fermentation quality of rice straw silage , and the effect of rice straw silage on the digestibility and production performance of dairy cattle .

  9. 但这项研究成果也有不足之处。研究报告称,饮用者普遍抱怨这种茶口感不好,饮用后胃部略感不适。研究人员称,在茶中加入菠萝汁和青柠汁可以遮盖一部分西兰花芽的味道。

    The study wasn 't without its mild hiccups : according to the paper , ' unacceptable taste and mild stomach discomfort were the common complaints . ' Researchers said the addition of pineapple juice and lime juice , though , helped mask some of the less appealing aspects of the broccoli flavor .

  10. 复合浓缩苹果&青芹果蔬汁生产工艺的研究

    Research of the production technology of juice from apple-celery fruits and vegetables