
  1. 第三部分按照现代企业薪酬管理的要求提出了青海石油管理局薪酬制度改革的总体思路、改革的原则、薪酬设计及内在薪酬的改革设计的具体内容。

    The third part puts forward to ways of remuneration system reform in Qinghai Petroleum Administrative Bureau .

  2. 第三章对中国石油集团和中国石油青海石油管理局产权制度改革情况进行了描述。

    Chapter three described the Chinese petroleum group and Chinese petroleum Qinghai petroleum 's property relations reform situation of administration bureau .

  3. 因此,研究青海石油管理局物流仓储管理信息化问题,对企业有重要的现实意义。

    Under this situation , to research the management Information system of logistics and inventory management is very important to the company .

  4. 随着企业改革的不断深化,青海石油管理局物流的采购和供应职能极大弱化,主要转变为仓储管理和客户服务,物流部门的生存和发展受到严峻挑战。

    As deeply as the company reforms , the purchase and supply function of logistics has been weakened in Qinghai petroleum administration . The main function is inventory management and customer service . The development of the logistics department is challenged seriously .