
  • 网络scylla
  1. 中国东南沿海青蟹属(Scylla)的种类组成

    Species composition in genus Scylla from the coast of southeast China

  2. 研究青蟹属4种青蟹的系统发育关系,阐明分布于中国沿海青蟹的分类地位,本研究采集了青蟹属4种青蟹以及中国沿海的青蟹样品,测定分析了其线粒体12SRRNA部分片段序列。

    To study the phylogenetic relationship of four Scylla species and taxonomic status of mud crabs ( distributed ) in the coast of China , the 12S rRNA fragment of mitochondrial DNA was determined and analyzed for the four Scylla species .

  3. 锯缘青蟹属肉食性、广盐、广温性海水经济甲壳动物,是我国东南沿海地区重要的海洋经济养殖蟹类。

    The mud crab Scylla serrata is a sarcophagi , eurythermal and euryhaline crustacean . It is of important economic values and mainly cultured along the coast of southern China .