
  • 网络cyclocarya;Cyclocarya paliurus
  1. 以低温吸胀的青钱柳种子为材料,采用酸蚀、GA3浸种或GA3拌沙层积等措施进行处理后,对种子的萌发情况和层积过程中贮藏物质的变化进行研究。

    The study was to investigate the differential responses of germination and the changes of the storage substances during the stratification in Cyclocarya paliurus seeds imbibed in cold woodland . In the present study , the seeds were treated by the acid scarification , GA_3 soaking or cold stratification .

  2. 青钱柳种皮甲醇浸提液的生物测定

    The bioassay of the methanol extract from Cyclocarya paliurus seed coat

  3. 3个剂量的青钱柳对血清中IgG、IgA、IgM含量亦无明显改变(P>005)。

    There were no obvious change in the content of IgG , IgA , IgM of serum at three dose groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 在层积基质D0中可以明显的看出,GA浸种处理的青钱柳种子平均发芽率比对照(0ppm)在60天时高出了10.7%,在120天时高出17.7%。

    In d0 media , the mean germination rate of exogenous GA3 treatment increased 10.7 % at the 60th day and 17.7 % at the 120th day than the control .

  5. 青钱柳总黄酮测定方法研究

    The study on determination methods of total flavonoids in Cyclocarya paliurus

  6. 青钱柳多糖对四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠的降血糖作用

    Effects of polysaccharide of Cyclocarya paliurus on alloxan-induced diabetic mice

  7. 青钱柳天然群体种子性状表型多样性

    Phenotypic diversity of natural Cyclocarya paliurus populations seed traits

  8. 青钱柳种子的种皮构造及其对透水性的影响

    The Seed Coat Structure of Cyclocarya paliurus and Its Effects on Water Permeability

  9. 双波长分光光度法测定青钱柳总黄酮含量的研究

    Assaying Total Flavonoids in Cyclocarya paliurus by Double-wavelength Spectrophotometry

  10. 青钱柳人工林材性试验研究

    Study on Physical and Mechanical Nature of Cyclocarya paliurus Wood from its Plantation

  11. 青钱柳种子次生休眠的发生及贮藏物质的变化

    Induction of the Secondary Dormancy and Metabolism Changes of Storage Substances in Cyclocarya paliurus

  12. 青钱柳提取物对家兔实验性糖尿病模型降血糖作用的研究

    Hypoglycemic effects of Cyclocarya paliurus ( Batal . ) Iljinsk extracts on diabetic rabbit

  13. 青钱柳种子层积过程中贮藏物质含量及酶活性的变化

    Storage Substance Content and Corresponding Enzyme Activity During the Stratification of Cyclocarya paliurus Seeds

  14. 青钱柳离体胚的培养及快速繁殖

    A Preliminary Study on Embryo Culture and Rapid Propagation in vitro of Cyclocarya paliurus

  15. 扦插基质和大气湿度对青钱柳插穗生根率影响显著。

    Different matrix moisture and atmospheric humidity had marked effect on rooting rates ofC .

  16. 青钱柳营养器官总黄酮含量测定及分布规律研究

    Studies on the Determination and Distribution of Total Flavonoids of Cyclocarya paliurus Vegetative Organs

  17. 不同种源青钱柳幼苗叶片形态、生理特征的差异性比较

    The Variation Comparison of Leaf Morphological and Physiological Characteristics Among Different Provenances of Cyclocarya paliurus Seedlings

  18. 青钱柳多糖对小鼠骨髓来源树突状细胞表面分子表达的影响

    Effect of Cyclocarya paliurus ( Batal . ) Polysaccharides on the Surface Molecule Expression Level of Dendritic Cells

  19. 青钱柳种子的种壳占种子风干重85.9%。

    The seed coat , which is about 85.9 % the total weight of air dried seed of Cyclocarya paliurus ( Batal . )

  20. 处理对青钱柳幼苗叶气孔形态、发育特征和保水能力的影响。

    The stoma morphology , leaf development characteristics and leaf water-holding ability of Cylocarya paliurus seedlings from three provenances were investigated after salt treatments .

  21. 本文首次对青钱柳悬浮培养细胞中的主要三萜酸进行了提取、分离和鉴定。

    The major triterpenic acids in the suspended cultured cells of C. paliurus were extracted , separated , and identified for the first time .

  22. 青钱柳平均木的连年生物量、平均生物量均随年龄的增长而增加,至今仍未达到最大值。

    The mean biomass per year and the biomass of successive years dicearse with ages , but have not reached their largest values until now .

  23. 本试验还测定了青钱柳种子在自然层积过程中贮藏物质的含量及相应酶的活性,代谢相关酶的活性和激素的含量,初步了解了青钱柳种子的萌发生理。

    And during the natural stratification , the content of stored substance and endogenous hormones , some enzyme activity were investigated to find out the germination physiology of Cyclocarya paliurus seeds .

  24. 本论文以青钱柳为研究对象,在智能人工气候生长室内采用无土水培法,从细胞、组织、器官水平上探讨了渗透胁迫下供试幼苗的耐盐、抗旱机理。

    Therefore , the paper discussed the mechanism of tested seedlings enduring salt and resisting drought under osmotic stress from cell , tissue and organ levels by the way of hydroponics in phytotron .

  25. 青钱柳是我国特有单种属植物,集药用、保健、用材和观赏等多种价值于一身的珍贵树种。

    Cyclocarya paliurus is native to China and the sole species in its genus . Because of the multi-value including fine timber , ornamental and medical use , it is regarded as a quite useful and valuable tree species .

  26. 结论首次研究青钱柳叶的结构,利用这些叶微观结构特征能够将青钱柳和胡桃科其他植物区分开来。

    Conclusion These structure characteristics are first reported and are useful for leaf identification of C. paliurus from other Juglandaceae plants .