
  • 网络Jingjiang;jingjiang city
  1. 靖江市城乡区域供水的实践与思考

    Practice and Ponderation over Town and Village Area Water Supply in Jingjiang City

  2. 针对电镀行业的特点,介绍了清洁生产技术,重点分析靖江市在推行电镀业清洁生产过程中的技术应用及取得的社会、经济及环境效益。

    Cleaner production technology has been introduced in the light of the characteristics of electroplating industry . We had placed emphases on technology analysis in carrying out cleaner production in electroplating industry of jingjiang city , realizing remarkable economic and environmental benefits .

  3. 靖江市2002~2004年疟疾监测结果分析

    Analysis on Surveillance Results of Malaria in Jingjiang from 2002 to 2004

  4. 沿江开发与靖江市环境保护策略问题思考

    Thought about Environmental Protection for Developing Area Alongside the Changjiang River in Jingjiang

  5. 靖江市乡村医生的现状调查与对策研究

    Status quo of rural community doctors in Jingjiang

  6. 扬子江船业的独资子公司认购靖江市润元农村小额贷款有限公司51%的股权。

    Subscription Of51 % Of The Equity Interest In The Capital Of Jiangsu Runyuan Rural Microfinance Co.

  7. 靖江市部分幼儿A群流脑疫苗基础免疫效果及其影响因素分析

    Immune Effects and Its Impact Factors of Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis Group A Polysaccharide Vaccine for Children in Jingjiang

  8. 靖江市五小行业卫生状况及影响因素分析

    Investigation of the Sanitary Condition and Analysis of Some Influential Factors on the " Five Small " Industries of Jingjiang

  9. 在此基础上计算出靖江市全年的土壤侵蚀量,并推出了水稻种植期间的土壤侵蚀量及由此产生的吸附态氮污染负荷量,为农业面源污染防治提供依据。

    Specifically , the amount of soil-erosion during the period of paddy planting is derived as well as the induced nitrogen-contaminated amount in the absorbed state , providing the basis for agriculture area-pollution protection .

  10. [方法]对2002~2004年靖江市疟疾监测结果进行分析。[结果]2002~2004年疟疾本地感染25例,流动人口感染10例,其中间日疟34例,恶性疟1例;

    [ Methods ] To analyze the surveillance results of malaria in Jingjiang from 2002 to 2004 . [ Results ] 25 patients with malaria were found in local residents , and 10 in flowing population , among which 34 were vivax malaria and 1 malignant malaria .