
  • 网络shizuoka;SHIZUOKA CITY
  1. 据《每日新闻》报道,在位于东京西南边160公里处的静冈市,所有93所学校都取消了观看残奥会的计划,因为该地区已于8月20日开始进入紧急状态。

    In Shizuoka , located about 160 kilometers southwest of Tokyo , all 93 schools have canceled their planned participation because of the state of emergency taking effect in the area beginning on Aug. 20 , according the Mainichi newspaper .

  2. 我们的第二个应用是为位于日本静冈市的骏河银行(SurugaBank)创建的。

    The second app we created was for Suruga Bank , a bank based in Shizuoka , Japan .