
jìng zhǐ zhì liàng
  • rest mass
  1. 实验检验光子静止质量的研究进展

    Progress in experimental tests of the photon rest mass

  2. 中微子有静止质量是与宇称不守恒的实验事实相矛盾的。

    A neutrino having rest mass contradicts the experimental fact of parity violation .

  3. 中微子静止质量与Lemaitre模型

    On the neutrino mass and the Lemaitre model

  4. 用量子隧穿法研究黑洞Hawking辐射,计算了静止质量不为零的粒子穿过Schwarzschild黑洞事件视界的出射率。

    In this paper the tunneling framework is adopted to investigate the Hawking radiation . The emission rate which massive particles tunnel across the event horizon of the Schwarzschild black hole is calculated .

  5. 如果光子静止质量不为零,那么就可以把非零的光子静止质量引入电磁理论中,于是Maxwell方程组就推广为Proca方程组。

    So people can add a nonzero rest mass to photons and the Maxwell equations are extended to the Proca equations . After such an extension of the electromagnetic field theory , a lot of new phenomena will appear .

  6. 零静止质量磁偶极子的引力场问题

    The Gravitational Field of Magnetic Dipole Whose Static Mass Is Nought

  7. 中微子的静止质量及其在物理学和宇宙学上的意义

    The mass of the neutrino and its significance in physics and Cosmology

  8. 利用超新星爆发测量电子中微子静止质量

    Measurement of electron neutrino mass by supernova neutrino bursts

  9. 中微子静止质量测量新方法及讨论

    One New Experimental Method of Detection Neutrino Static Mass

  10. 光子静止质量与雷达回波延迟

    Photon rest mass and gravitational radar echo delay

  11. 光子的静止质量光子的静止质量上限是1.2x10-51g。

    The upper limit of photon mass is1.2x10-51g .

  12. 光子静止质量的分析

    Analysis of the static mass of photon

  13. 显然光子的一个主要区别于其它粒子的特征就在于它的静止质量为零。

    Evidently one of the main distinguishing characteristics of photon is just its zest rest mass .

  14. 关于静止质量m0的几点讨论

    A Discussion on Static Mass m_0

  15. 至今为止,所有检验光子静止质量的实验都只是给出光子静止质量的上限。

    Up to now , all experimental results were only obtained the upper constrains on the photon mass .

  16. 光子的内部运动使得光子也具有静止质量。

    The internal motion of photon leads to that the photon has also a rest mass other than zero .

  17. 用于测量中微子静止质量的静电减速谱仪的研究

    The study of an electrostatic spherical grid retarding spectrometer for the study of neutrino rest mass by measuring beta spectrum from tritium decay

  18. 本文提出一种从氚衰变β谱确定电子反中微子静止质量的新型结构β谱仪。

    A method is described for measuring the beta spectrum from tritium decay in order to determine the electron - antineutrino rest mass .

  19. 在费米弱作用理论乃至弱电统一理论中,都是把中微子当作无静止质量的粒子来处理的。

    In the Fermi weak interaction theory and even in the electro-weak unification theory , the neutrino is looked as the massless particle .

  20. 因此,中微子是否具有静止质量,将极大地影响着宇宙中的质量密度,从而影响着宇宙演化的进程。

    Hence , the rest-mass of the neutrino being non-vanishing would influence greatly the mass density and further the evolution of the universe .

  21. 在现有的实验条件和不考虑其它误差的情况下,中微子的静止质量不等于零。

    If we don 't consider other errors , we can get that the neutrino static mass is not zero under present experimental conditions .

  22. 本文分析了中微子的一些特性,认为中微子是一种普通的费米粒子,它应该有其它费米粒子所具有的一切性质如它有确定的内禀宇称,有一定的静止质量和有一定的磁矩等。

    The neutrino should be a general particle which has certain intrinsic parity and non - zero mass just as all other particles do .

  23. 实物粒子是指静止质量不为零的微观粒子,如电子、原子和分子等。

    The object particle means to the microcosmic particle that its static mass is not zero , for example , electron atom molecule and so on .

  24. 叙述了一种用于中微子静止质量测量的大面积高活度氚源的离子注入制备过程。

    The preparation of a tritium source with large area and high activity by ion implantation for measurement of the rest mass of neutrion is described .

  25. 光子在宇宙中无处不在,没有静止质量,光子通过光耦力相互作用;

    The photon is at everywhere in universe , no static mass it is , but it can be interacted each other by photonic coupling force .

  26. 如果假设不成立,即光子静止质量不为零,麦克斯韦方程必须改写。

    Were it not correct , that is to say , if photo 's static mass does not equal to zero Maxwell 's equations should be modified .

  27. 这种方法对于确定频率的零检验实验,借如光子静止质量检验实验等具有一定的参考实用价值。

    The method looks very promising in the view of the application to null result experiments with modulation methods , such as experiment tests on the photon rest mass .

  28. 在一个惯性坐标系中与物体静止质量相当的能量;等于静止质量乘以光速的平方。

    The energy equivalent to the mass of a particle at rest in an inertial frame of reference ; equal to the rest mass times the square of the speed of light .

  29. 其中,致密天体如中子星或者黑洞的引力吸积可以将相当于大约10%的被吸积物质的静止质量转化为辐射,这是天体物理中最为有效的能源之一。

    About 10 % mass accreted by compact star , such as neutron star or black hole , can be transfered into radiation . It is known that accretion is one of the most efficient exoergic mechanisms in the universe .

  30. 对光子静止质量的实验检验,也是对光速不变原理的一种检验,即使光子仅有非常微小的静质量,如一旦得到实验的检验,将会对整个物理学的发展产生巨大而深刻的影响。

    Experimental investigations of the photon rest mass are an indirect test of the constancy of the speed of light , and any conclusive evidence of a finite mass for the photon will greatly affect the development of all physics .