
  • 网络Hydrostatic Pressure;hydrostatic pressure test;kpa
  1. 本文通过用金刚石对顶砧压机进行高压下的发光工作,测量了静水压对Y2O2S:Eu发射光谱的影响。

    High pressure luminescence investigation has been made using a diamond anvil cell . Hydrostatic pressure effect on the emission spectra of Y_2O_2S : Eu have been measured .

  2. 利用ANSYS软件对挤压过程进行有限元模拟,分析了静水压应力对材料致密过程的作用,为生物质成型机理的研究提供了可靠依据。

    This paper uses ANSYS to simulate the biomass extrusion process and analyzes the influence of hydrostatic pressure in the process All these provide credible conditions for the study of biomass briquetting mechanism .

  3. 静水压对Y2O2S:Eu发射光谱的影响

    Hydrostatic pressure effect on emission spectra of y_2o_2s : eu

  4. 指出静水压试验压力应按照APISPEC5L《管线钢管规范》4.3.3附录K计算值确定。

    It points out that hydrostatic testing pressure shall determine K calculation value in accordance with appendix 4.3.3 of API SPEC 5L .

  5. 然后单独的长的DNA分子被送入微流控芯片,静水压通过一个窄的通道以恒定的速度牵引它们。

    Single long molecules of DNA are then fed into a microfluidic chip , where hydrostatic pressure pulls them at a constant speed through a narrow channel .

  6. 结果表明,尽管机体内存在许多补偿机制,但在G值较高时,由于不能完全代偿血液静水压效应的影响,脑循环还是可能发生明显的改变。

    Results showed that in spite of existance of the various compensatory mechanisms , impairment of the cerebral circulation still occurred due to the hydrostatic effect of the blood column at higher G levels .

  7. γ-Fe2SiO4在静水压下的压缩行为的测定

    Study on compressive behavior of γ - fe_2sio_4 under hydrostatic pressure

  8. 实验通过静态水接触角、淋水等级及静水压的测定,及SEM图谱分析研究了柠檬酸、SHP的量对溶胶-凝胶法拒水整理耐洗性的影响。

    The effect of the amount of citric acid and SHP on the washing durability of superhydrophobic surface was studied by static water contact angle , the spray test , hydrostatic pressure and SEM .

  9. 目前诱导多倍体的方法有冷休克诱导、热休克诱导、静水压休克诱导、6-DMAP诱导,细胞松弛素B(CB)诱导等。

    In the present paper , several methods for polyploid induction in aquatic animals , such as , cold shock , heat shock , hydrostatic pressure shock , the use of 6-DMAP and cytochalasin ( CB ) were reviewed .

  10. 采用平面波赝势密度泛函方法,对单晶氟化锂(LiF)在0~500GPa静水压下的光学性质进行了理论研究,并利用Vinet状态方程和准简谐Debye模型得到了其热力学性质。

    The optical properties of single crystal Lithium Fluoride ( LiF ) are investigated by means of a plane-wave pseudopotential density functional theory method in a range of hydrostatic pressure up to 500 GPa .

  11. APISPEC5L标准和GB/T9711.1-1997标准中都明确规定,外径尺寸不小于508mm的焊接钢管必须进行静水压试验,所以静水压试验机是重要的检验设备。

    Since it is specified in both API Spec 5L and GB / T9711.1 - 1977 that any steel weld pipe with O. D. no smaller than 508 mm shall be subject to hydrostatic test , the hydrostatic testing machine is regarded as a rather key inspection facility .

  12. 装置由声压生成系统、正弦振动系统和电子测量与控制系统所组成,采用静水压激励法产生001~1Hz频率范围内变化的声压。

    This standard consists of acoustics pressure production system , sinusoidal vibration system and electronic measurement and controlling system . And the hydrostatic excitation method is used to produce the acoustics pressure variation in the frequency band of 0.01 Hz to 1 Hz .

  13. 研究表明:孔隙率的增加降低了多孔PZT陶瓷的介电常数,提高了静水压优值,并证明在一定条件下孔隙率与介电常数关系可由Okazaki经验公式及Banno模型预测;

    The research showed that an increase in the porosity led to reduced dielectric constant as well as enhanced hydrostatic figures of merit ( d_h · g_h ) . The effect of porosity on dielectric constant can be predicted by the Okazaki experiential formula and Banno model under certain conditions .

  14. 2-3型压电复合材料有效特性及其静水压性能的研究

    Effective Properties and Hydrostatic Performance of Type 2-3 Piezoelectric Composites

  15. 静水压下胶粘涂层的吸湿应力研究

    Absorbing Moisture Stress Studying of Adhesion Coating Under Water Pressure

  16. 利用周期性静水压在水力聚焦生物反应器中构建组织工程软骨

    Construction of tissue-engineered cartilage in hydrodynamic focusing bioreactor under cyclic hydrostatic pressure

  17. 钠玻璃与钛玻璃在静水压下的弹性性能

    Elastic properties of float glass and sio_2 + tio_2 glass under high pressure

  18. 简要介绍了静水压试验机的液压工作原理。

    The hydraulic pressure working principle of the static hydro tester is introduced .

  19. 介绍了一种适用于石油油管、套管进行静水压试验的全自动试验装置。

    An automatic hydrostatic testing device suitable for tubing and casing is introduced .

  20. 静水压下加筋圆柱壳振动特性样条分析方法

    Vibration Characteristics of Cylindrical Shells with Stiffeners Using Spline Method under Hydrostatic Pressure

  21. 静水压对牛奶中细菌生长繁殖的影响

    Effect of hydrostatic pressure on growth and breeding of bacteria in raw milk

  22. 端面密封条件下钢管静水压试验压力的确定

    Determine of Pipe Hydrostatic Pressure Value Under Ends Sealing

  23. 钢管静水压爆破实验应变测试的误差分析及消除

    Emergency Measurement Tolerance Analysis of Steel Pipe Hydrostatic Exploded Test and Its Disposal

  24. 静水压与阻尼覆盖层对圆柱壳声辐射的影响

    Effects of hydrostatic pressure and damping material on acoustic radiation of cylindrical shell

  25. 静水压变化下橡胶结构吸声性能的计算与分析

    Computation and Analysis of Sound Absorption Performance of Rubber Structures under Variable Hydraulic Pressure

  26. 全自动石油油管(套管)静水压试验装置的改进

    An automatic hydrostatic testing device for casing tubing

  27. MgCNi3超导体在静水压下的弹性性质

    Elastic Properties of MgCNi_3 Superconductor under Hydrostatic Pressure

  28. 端面密封的静水压试验压力计算方法

    Calculation Method of Hydrostatic Tester with End Seal

  29. 油管、套管(以下简称油井管)在静水压试验过程中要产生剧烈的噪声,对环境造成污染。

    Noise emanated in static hydraulic test for tubing and casing pollutes the surrounding .

  30. 低温钳位静水压压力室的构造。

    Construction of low-temperature clamped hydrostatic cells .