
fēi duì chèn
  • asymmetric;dissymmetric
非对称[fēi duì chèn]
  1. 非对称信道对TCP性能的影响及其解决方法

    The Effects of Asymmetric Links on TCP Performance and Its Solutions

  2. 数值试验的结果表明,引入S波与P波联合反演非对称矩张量是必要的。

    The synthetic test indicates that it is necessary to use P and S waves to joint invert asymmetric moment tensor .

  3. 轻微倾斜地层的侵蚀通常造成非对称的山脊,称为单面山。

    Erosion of gently dipping strata commonly results in the formation of asymmetrical ridges known as cuestas .

  4. 非对称式N次谐波顶置凸轮型线设计

    The design of unsymmetrical OHC cam with nth - degree harmonics

  5. 其中一个功率管工作在B类,另一个必须工作在非对称的A类。

    When one is of Class B the other must be of asymmetrical Class A.

  6. 利用灰度切片的非对称非线性映射处理颅脑MR图像

    The Processing Brain MRI by means of asymmetrical and nonlinear mapping of Grayscale Slices

  7. 一类非对称的K型正交变换

    A Class of Unsymmetrical K-Type Orthogonal Transforms

  8. 仿真结果表明该协议适用于普遍存在非对称链路的无线移动adhoc网络。

    Simulation results show that PPRP has a good performance in asymmetric-link ad hoc networks .

  9. 非对称性对TCP协议性能的影响

    The Effects of Asymmetry on TCP Performance

  10. 非对称形态之EnEchelon型地层褶皱

    En Echelon-type of Stratum Fold Model with Non-Symmetry Behavior

  11. ·分析了最优分量码的设计和非对称Turbo码的性能;

    It includes ,· The design of optimal component codes and the performance of asymmetric turbo codes are analyzed ;

  12. 非对称法布里-伯罗腔光调制特性分析及高对比度GaAs/AlGaAs调制器

    Modulation Characteristics Analysis of Asymmetric Fabry-Perot Cavity and GaAs / AlGaAs Modulator With High Contrast Ratio

  13. 一种面向动态异构网络的容错非对称DHT方法

    A Fault-Tolerant Asymmetric DHT Method Towards Dynamic and Heterogeneous Network

  14. 非对称Abel反演在托卡马克等离子体中的应用

    Application of asymmetrical Abel inversion to Tokamak Plasmas

  15. 研究表明:MEMS器件对控制大迎角细长旋成体非对称涡和复杂流场具有良好的控制能力。

    The research indicated that MEMS device generate excellent control effect on asymmetric vortices over slender body as well as on complex flow field .

  16. 实验结果表明,制备的PVA膜和Nylon6膜具有非常显著的非对称结构。

    The experimental results show that PVA membranes and Nylon 6 membranes prepared by supercritical fluids process have a significant asymmetric structure .

  17. SSL协议采用了对称加密、非对称加密、信息摘要、数字签名、数字证书等密码学技术。

    SSL protocol uses symmetric encryption , asymmetric encryption , message digest , digital signature , digital certificate and other cryptographic techniques .

  18. 在此基础上,分别给出了基于非对称Laplace分布标准差和VaR值的修正的Sharpe指数;

    Based on the standard deviation and VaR of asymmetric Laplace distribution , a modified Sharpe index is proposed .

  19. 非对称信息下BPO风险、成本和决策博弈研究

    Study on the Risk , Cost and Decision-making Game of BPO in the Asymmetric Information Condition

  20. 采用空间法研究了非对称结构对LHMsX波段微波透射与反射行为的影响。

    We investigate the transmission and reflection properties of LHMs with the local asymmetry at X-band frequency range in free space .

  21. 高维空间的对称及非对称反常与Atiyah-Singer指标定理

    Symmetric and antisymmetric anomalies of high dimensional space and Atiyah-Singer index theorem

  22. 第一个OFDM技术的实际应用是非对称数字用户环路(ADSL),这是一种能够通过普通电话线提供宽带数据业务的标准。

    One of the first commercial systems utilizing OFDM was ADSL ( asymmetrical digital subscriber line ), a standard for high data-rate communication over twisted-pair wires .

  23. 同位旋非对称核物质性质与扩展的BHF方法(Ⅳ)单粒子势与有效质量

    Properties of Isospin Asymmetric Nuclear Matter and Extended BHF Approach (ⅳ) Single-Particle Potential and Effective Mass

  24. UWB系统提供的距离与定位信息,可以实现对基于UWB的adhoc网络有效路由,而原有的定位辅助路由协议的定向性非对称,网络负载仍然较大。

    The information of distances and locations provided by UWB system realizes efficient routing in the UWB-based Ad hoc network , whereas the original LAR is nonsymmetric directional and highly overloaded .

  25. 非对称PCMA卫星信号的截获方法

    Signal Interception Method for Asymmetric PCMA Satellite Communication Systems

  26. HNN的连接权是非对称的,并且考虑了信号传播时延。

    The HNN model considered the time delay of signal diffusion and had asymmetric weights .

  27. 计算非对称矩阵广义特征值问题的组合QZ法

    The Combination QZ Algorithm for the Nonsymmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

  28. NOS免疫阳性神经元通过非对称性突触接受兴奋性神经信息为主,其轴突则以对称性突触对杏仁体中的其它神经元发挥抑制性作用。

    The NOS immunoreactive neurons receive dominantly excitatory inputs by asymmetric synapses , and their axon terminals output inhibits information to other neurons of the amygdala by the symmetric synapses .

  29. 从客户端将消息发送到网络之前,WS-Security使用了非对称密钥对消息进行数字签名和加密。

    Prior to the message being sent onto the wire from the client , WS-Security used asymmetric keys to digitally sign and encrypt the message .

  30. 主要利用网络的状态转移方程和定义能量函数的方法对非对称离散Hopfield神经网络在并行演化方式的动力学行为进行了研究。

    In this paper , the dynamic behavior of asymmetric discrete hopfield neural network in synchronous mode is mainly studied by using the state transition equation and defining energy function .