
  • 网络non-coercive form of administrative action;noncoercive form of administrative action
  1. 行政指导应属于非强制性行政行为。

    The administrative instruction should belong to the non-compulsory administrative action .

  2. 行政指导作为非强制性行政行为,在现代政府行政管理活动中,发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。

    As an unforced administrative action , administrative guidance plays an increasingly important role in the administrative management of modern governments .

  3. 随着现代福利国家、服务行政等观念的兴起,非强制性行政行为日益为各国政府所青睐。

    With the rise of modern welfare state and service administration , non-coercive form of administrative actions are popular with governments in the world .

  4. 由于强制性行政行为本身存在的历史缺陷与弊端,顺应历史的潮流,非强制性行政行为理论应运而生。

    Because the compulsory administrative actions have Inherent historical mistakes and shortcomings , the theory about non-compulsory administrative action that conform to the historical trend is produced .

  5. 非强制性警察行政行为研究

    The Study of Non - compulsory Police Administrative Action

  6. 在我国,非强制性警察行政行为还处于研究的初级阶段,但非强制性行政行为的理念、价值、意义已经为世人所认可。

    In our nation , study about non - compulsory police administrative action is still in the primary stage , but the concepts , values and meaning of non-compulsory administrative action has been acknowledged by the world people .

  7. 为此,它又是一种区别于传统命令性、强制性行政行为的、新型的、具有非强制性特征的行政行为。

    It differs from traditional order and compulsory administrative action .

  8. 行政指导是非强制性的权力性行政行为,由此给行政相对人造成的损害,行政主体应当依据不同情况承担相应的法律责任。

    Because Administrative Guidance is a non-mandatory and powerful administrative act , the main body of administration should bear the relative legal liability according to the different cases and the harm done to the relative person of administration .