
  1. 非独立核算电网企业成本管理研究

    Research on Cost Management of Non-independent Accounting Grid Enterprise

  2. 注:上海限额以上工业企业单位数为不含村以下,市独立和非独立核算的全部工业企业单位。

    Note : Number of industrial enterprises over designated size of Shanghai excludes village below , municipal independent and dependent accounting enterprises .

  3. 非公平独立核算的分摊走向公平竞争:建立品牌

    Non-arm 's length allocation Towards Fair Competition : Establishing Brand Names

  4. 非公平独立核算的分摊两种货币分算摊款法

    Non-arm 's length allocation split-level method of assessment

  5. 非公平独立核算的分摊独立核算,自负盈亏各自独立核算、独立承担责任和风险。

    Shall practice independent business accounting , and shall independently bear risks and obligations .