
  • 网络non-biodegradable;abiotic degradation
  1. 办公设备多年来一直是污染和废物的来源,产生大量数以吨计的不可回收塑料、危险化学品和非生物降解的成分。

    Office equipment has been for years a source of pollution and waste , producing tons of non-recyclable plastics , dangerous chemicals , and massive amounts of non-biodegradable components .

  2. 非生物降解和生物可降解长效缓释避孕系统的应用

    Non-biodegradable and biodegradable long-term sustained release systems for contraception

  3. 研究显示,目前使用的非生物降解DES并不减少死亡和急性心肌梗死的发生率。

    As pointed out by some studies , up to now , the nonbioabsorbable DES in use can not decrease the mortality rate and the incidence of acute myocardial infarction .

  4. 分别探讨了PHB与非生物降解聚合物、可生物降解聚合物之间的共混情况,特别就共混体系的相容性、玻璃化转变温度、结晶性及机械性能进行了总结和评述;

    The blending of PHB with other polymers , including bio-degradable material and non-biodegradable material , are discussed , with the emphasis on the compatibility , glass transition temperature , crystallization and mechanics properties of the blend system .

  5. 同时,以草甸棕壤(0~20cm)制备的土壤悬浮液为土壤微生物对照,以灭菌培养基为非生物降解对照。

    At the same time , the suspension of 0 to 20 centimeters of topsoil of the meadow umber was taken as soil microbial control , and the culture without microbes as blank control .

  6. 因此,研制可生物降解塑料来代替普通非生物降解塑料已成为许多科学工作者努力的目标。

    So the development of totally-biodegradable plastics has become the main task of many scientists .

  7. 非生物降解过程在消除土壤中的许多农药方面起着重要的作用。

    Nonbiological degradation processes play an important role in the dissipation of many pesticides in soil .

  8. 不仅如此,生物降解对污染物是永久的降解,而不像非生物降解,有时污染物会由一种形态转变为另一种形态,即二次污染。

    Moreover , biodegradation is a permanent degradation of pollutants , rather than non-biodegration . Sometimes , non-biodegradation may keep the pollutants into another form , that is , secondary pollution .

  9. 重金属离子以各种形态存在于饮用水中,由于其非生物降解性及富集功能,微量浓度的重金属离子即可产生毒性效应以及持续性和放大作用,对人类身体健康构成极大威胁。

    Heavy metal ions exist in drinking water in various forms . It is not biodegradable and even trace concentration has detrimental risk to human health . It also has the continuity , amplification and the function of enrichment .

  10. 罗布麻韧皮非纤维素生物降解的工艺基础

    Study on technological bases about biological decomposition of non - cellulose from Apocynum raw fiber

  11. 同时,指出了罗布麻韧皮中非纤维素生物降解研究的难点在于规范收获方法。

    In the meanwhile , it is showed that the direction and objective about the biological decomposition of non-cellulose from Apocynum raw fiber were pointed out .

  12. 综述了微生物对链烷烃、环烷烃和芳香烃的降解途径、机理和降解动力学,分析了温度、营养物质、氧及盐度等非生物因素对降解作用的影响。

    Biodegradation ways , mechanism and kinetics of alkanes , cyclanes and arenes are reviewed , and the influences of temperature , nutrients , oxygen and salinity on biodegradation are analyzed .

  13. 聚环氧琥珀酸盐是目前公认的一种具有无磷、非氮结构、生物降解性好绿色环保水处理剂,已成为国内外研究的热点。

    Polyepoxysuccinic acid ( PESA ) has been used as a new non-phosphorus , non-nitrogenous , environmental-friendly reagent for water treating because of its excellent performance .