
  • Nonlinear;【数】non linear
  1. 绝大多数非线性微分方程是不能用解析方法求解的。

    The overwhelming majority of nonlinear differential equations are not soluble analytically .

  2. 把动坐标迭代法应用于下部钻具组合(BHA)的非线性有限元分析。

    Moving-coordinate reiterative method is used for non-linear finite analysis of BHA .

  3. 带有间隙支承的CT机回转系统的非线性动力学

    Nonlinear dynamics of a rotating system with supporting-clearance in CT machine

  4. 基于PC声卡的网络非线性失真度测试方法

    Testing Method of Nonlinear Distortion Degree of Network Based on PC Audio Card

  5. 用单光束方法研究C(60)/C(70)溶液的非线性光学性质

    Study of nonlinear optical properties of C_ ( 60 ) / C_ ( 70 ) solution with a single light beam

  6. 路径积分MonteCarlo方法与非线性随机振动

    Path-integral Monte Carlo method and nonlinear random vibration

  7. 利用Matlab的S-Function实现非线性PID控制

    Using Matlab 's S-Function to implement nonlinear PID control

  8. 非线性状态PI励磁控制器

    A nonlinear state PI excitation controller

  9. 一些常见的非线性负载有荧光灯、控硅电动机启动器以及UPS系统。

    Some common nonlinear loads are fluorescent lighting , SCR motor starters and UPS systems .

  10. 非线性存储方案设计问题&一个NP完全问题

    Design nonlinear storage scheme : a NP complete problem

  11. 一种SVM非线性回归算法

    SVM Nonlinear Regression Algorithm

  12. 利用线性和非线性控制函数稳定Lorenz系统

    Using Line and Nonlinear Control Function to Stabilize the Lorenz System

  13. 微流体泵的定向净流量主要来自于Navier-Stokes方程的非线性。

    The directional flow rate of the pump is governed by nonlinearity of Navier-Stokes equations .

  14. 6-DOF并联机器人动力学建模、非线性解耦及控制

    6-DOF parallel robot dynamic modeling , nonlinear decoupling and control

  15. 提出了一种基于Volterra系数模型,用于提高非线性传感器性能的新方法。

    A novel performance enhancement method of nonlinear sensor based on the Volterra series model is proposed .

  16. 强非线性Riemann边值问题

    The Strongly Nonlinear Riemann BoundaryValue Problems

  17. 另外,提出了基于Laplace变换数值反演的非线性动力学方程的求解方法。

    In addition , another numerical solution for solving nonlinear dynamic equations is presented based on numerical Laplace transform inversion .

  18. S盒作为AES算法惟一的非线性运算,直接决定算法的性能。

    S-box is the unique nonlinear operation for advanced encryption standard ( AES ) and affects the capability of the algorithm .

  19. 非线性Schrodinger方程及光学孤子

    Non-linear Schrodinger Equation and Optical Soliton

  20. MMIC混频器电路设计与非线性分析

    MMIC Mixer Circuit Design and Nonlinear Analysis

  21. 应用作者提出的二阶势理论,本文研究了各向同性弹性介质中P波与SV波的非线性相互作用,得到了相互作用波的表达式。

    Using the second-order potential theory proposed by the author , this paper gives an investigation to the nonlinear interaction of P and SV waves in isotropic elastic media .

  22. dinger方程和耦合非线性Schr?

    Dinger equation and the coupled Nonlinear Schr ?

  23. 通过两体扰动势构造多原子相互作用体系解析势的理论方法,获得了非线性三原子H2O相互作用体系的解析势函数。

    Using this method , the analytic potential function of H2O , which is a nonlinear three-atom interaction system , was obtained .

  24. 依照动力学和运动学原理,建立N体问题共线解所满足的条件方程,把解微分方程组的问题转化为解非线性方程组的问题。

    By the Newton 's dynamic principle and the constraint equations that the collinear N-body systems satisfy , the problem of solving the set of differential equations is transformed into that of solving the nonlinear set of equations .

  25. 2步非线性共轭梯度(NCG)法

    A 2 step Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient ( NCG ) Method

  26. 通过对非线性方程组的迭代法引入Aitken加速技术,设计了一种非线性方程组的迭代解法的加速方法;方法:对已婚育龄妇女发放宣传资料;

    By using accelerating Aitken method in iterative method of nonlinear equations , a new modified method is given .

  27. 采用CAM使得设计者直接参与非线性三角的线切割加工程序编制成为可能,从而提高加工精度使设计思想最终得以实现。

    It will be also possible in applying CAM for designers to participate directly in linear cut programming of non-linear cam . Therefore , it will be at last realized to improve the processing precision of a design concept .

  28. 一组新型非线性光学晶体&ATCC、ATCB和ATMC

    A Group of New-type Nonlinear Optical Crystals & ATCC , ATCB and ATMC

  29. 采用模糊T-S模型和模糊观测器对非线性系统建模,引入自适应模糊逻辑系统补偿器用来消除建模误差对系统稳定性的影响。

    Fuzzy T-S model and fuzzy observer are used to model the nonlinear systems . The adaptive fuzzy logic systems are introduced to eliminate the effect of the modeling errors for the system stability .

  30. 采用线性损伤律、双线性损伤律、损伤曲线方法和Morrow的非线性损伤律进行了寿命预测。

    The fatigue life predictions are obtained by the linear damage rule , double linear damage rule , damage curve approach and the plastic work model of Morrow .