
  • 网络Nonstructural component;non-structural element
  1. 附属构件及非结构构件抗震设计的重要性

    The importance of aseismic design in the attached element and non-structural element Construction of Structure Members

  2. 因此,非结构构件的地震安全性越来越多的引起人们的重视。

    So the people more and more regard the seismic security of the nonstructural component .

  3. 基于性能的隔震结构非结构构件抗震性能研究

    Performance-Based Seismic Design of Nonstructural Elements on Base Isolated Building

  4. 非结构构件和设备的抗震设计和简化计算方法

    Seismic Design and Simplified Analytical Method of Nonstructural Components and Equipment in Buildings

  5. 填充墙作为非结构构件,广泛应用与现代建筑结构中。

    Infill walls as a nonstructural component , is widespread used in the modern building structures .

  6. 建筑幕墙属于非结构构件,但其本身的安全问题却是结构问题。

    Architectural curtain wall is not a structural member , but its safety is a structural problem .

  7. 随着我国高层建筑的发展,非结构构件和设备的抗震设计的重要性日益显著。

    The importance of seismic design of nonstructural components and equipment in buildings has grown increasingly in China .

  8. 砌体填充墙作为一种非结构构件,其抗侧力性能的研究早已引起了国内外工程界的关注。

    Domestic and international engineering had already paid close attention to the performance of lateral of infill wall as a subsidiary member .

  9. 建筑物系统的功能,是多个服务功能的联合作用,同时各服务功能又是由建筑中的设备和非结构构件组成的。

    The function of a building depends on several cooperating services , which in turn are made up from a certain number of nonstructural components .

  10. 尽管这些非结构构件的破坏不会影响到主体结构的使用,但是围护结构的倒塌很容易造成人员伤亡,同时造成巨大的财产损失。

    Even the destroy of nonstructural components can not influence the use of main structure . The collapse of envelope structure will cause casualties and enormous property loss .

  11. 事实上,由于隔墙等非结构构件的存在,结构的质量增加、刚度加大均将导致地震反应加剧,如在计算中不考虑此项的影响将偏不安全。

    In fact , for the existence of non-structure members such as partitions , the increase of mass and stiffness , can both cause more intensive earthquake response .

  12. 对建筑的非结构构件提出了相应的抗震设防技术措施,以提高其抗震能力。

    In order to enhance the earthquake-resistant ability of the construction and offer the reference to designers , they put forward the corresponding technical measures to the nonstructural components .

  13. 由于建模中一般没有考虑非结构构件(主要为隔墙),因此非结构构件的质量与刚度对结构的贡献无法计入。

    As non-structure members are not generally considered ( mainly are partitions ) in the process of modeling , the effect of their mass and stiffness can not be reckoned in .

  14. 带填充墙的框架结构受力方式是其主体结构梁、柱作为主要受力构件承受竖向及水平荷载,而填充墙作为非结构构件,只起围护和隔断作用。

    The beams and columns as the force component to withstand the vertical and horizontal loads , the infill walls as a non-structural elements is generally only for envelope and cut off .

  15. 世界各地的大量震害表明,在中等强度地震作用下,由于非结构构件破坏造成的经济损失可能远远大于由于结构破坏而造成的经济损失,此外,非结构的破坏也可能引起人员伤亡。

    A lot of earthquake damage indicates that the economic loss caused by the nonstructural component damage is far more than the one caused by the structural component damage in the middling earthquake .

  16. 采用建筑隔震技术可以明显降低建筑物受到的地震作用,消除或有效地减轻结构或非结构构件的破坏。

    By adopting architectural obstructing earthquake technology , we can obviously play down the earthquake action on building , and avoid or availably lighten the destroy of structural and non - structural components .

  17. 配合钢框架使用不但可以减轻结构自重,也可以减少地震后非结构构件带来的次生灾害。

    With the using of the steel frame , not only it can decrease the weight of the structure , but also can reduce the secondary disasters which caused by the non-structural elements after the earthquake .

  18. 通常在设计计算中将填充墙当做非结构构件对待,不考虑其受力作用,抗震设计中采用周期折减系数来考虑填充墙对框架结构的影响。

    Usually the infill walls were only as non-structural components in design without considering the role of its bearing capacity , and the cycle reduction factor was used to consider the impact of infill walls on the frame structures in the seismic design .

  19. 地基不均匀沉降发生之后,会通过基础的反应影响到上部结构,可能会导致上部倾斜、结构产生附加内力乃至使结构和非结构构件开裂、破坏等。

    When differential settlement of foundation soil influences upper structure through foundation , maybe the construction or building maybe will tilt , sub-stress will take place in the upper structure , then structural components and non-structural components will crack and even be destroyed .

  20. 这种方法可以考虑建筑结构构件、建筑非结构构件以及其它非结构构件的性能,而且同时可以考虑结构系统总体效应的影响,因而能够比较全面地反映结构的抗震性能等级。

    Because the method can consider the performance of the building structural elements , the building non-structural elements and other non-structural elements , as well as the effect of the whole structure , the safe index of design performance can relatively reflect the seismic performance gradation .

  21. 钢筋混凝土剪力墙大多呈脆性破坏且震后不易修复;钢框架结构侧向刚度小易引起非结构构件的破坏,因此在高地震烈度区的使用受到限制。

    Most of reinforced concrete shear wall is brittle failure and difficult to repair after the earthquake ; Lateral stiffness of steel frame is small , so it easily lead to the destruction of nonstructural members . Therefore , it is limited in high earthquake fortification zone .

  22. 为提高新建教学楼的抗震能力,本文从抗震概念设计及构造措施、抗震分析计算、抗震性能化设计和非结构构件处理等方面提出了相应的对策。

    To improve the seismic capacity of new school buildings , the corresponding countermeasures which based on the concept of the seismic design , construction measures , seismic analysis and calculation , performance-based seismic design and processing aspects of non-structural elements are put forward in this paper .

  23. 在过去的几十年中,非主体结构构件以及附属结构对结构抗震性能的影响总被忽略,结果导致许多相关震害的发生。

    In the past decades , the effect of subsidiary structures belonging to RC frames were ignored . It leaded to many serious damages in earthquake .