
fēi yì
  • To criticize;censure;reproach
非议 [fēi yì]
  • [reproach;censure] 批评,责难

  • 非议诏书。--《汉书.黄霸传》

  • 非议政事

非议[fēi yì]
  1. 然而,赛珍珠的成功既给自己带来了荣誉和丰厚的奖励,也招来了中西方许多文人作家对她个人和她的作品的非议。

    Her success has brought her honor and rich reward ; however it also has brought her a lot of reproach from the Eastern and Western writers .

  2. 大师们由于要对投资者负责任,所以只敢跟随大局走势,不敢买一些好的股票,以免遭人非议。

    Due to great masters of investors responsible , so only to follow overall situation , dare not buy some good stock , against people above reproach .

  3. 这项从欧洲战场抽身退出的政策遭到了非议。

    This policy of disengagement from the European war had its critics .

  4. 美国因其强硬立场遭到众多非议。

    The United States has taken a lot of criticism for its hard-line stance

  5. 原告遭到了公众的憎恨、非议与蔑视。

    The complainant has been exposed to public odium , scandal and contempt .

  6. 我们都没少对安吉和她的生活方式啧啧非议。

    We all spent a lot of time tut-tutting about Angie and her lifestyle

  7. 他个人的行事方式给该党招来非议,也会招致更多对他个人的批评。

    The way he conducts himself reflects on the party and will increase criticisms against him

  8. 我们不要忘了备受非议的英国铁路在电子通讯领域有一项重要的技术专利。

    Let us not forget that the much-maligned British Rail has a major expertise in electronic communications

  9. 当一些队员的入选招致许多不解的非议时,教练开始动摇了。

    The coach began to wobble when some of his team selections provoked much baffled comment .

  10. 他悍然不顾公众非议。

    He flies in the face of public disapproval .

  11. 如果你在这件事上失败了,就会招来别人的非议。

    You will bring the blame of others upon yourself if you fail in this .

  12. P2P共享软件的滥用是一个颇具争议的热门话题,非议者不少,而支持者亦众。

    The abuse of P2P share software is a very disputed and hot topic .

  13. 在2007年投资百仕通和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)后,中投曾在国内饱受非议。

    Following its investments in Blackstone and Morgan Stanley in 2007 , CIC was heavily criticised domestically .

  14. DB:我认为那些早期非议的根源在于缺乏对SCA和它的目标的全面理解。

    DB : I think some of those early objections arose from a less than full understanding of SCA and its goals .

  15. 1972年获布克奖之初,《G》因其极具实验性的风格,而引起一些争议,甚至非议。

    For example , the Booker Prize winning novel G did arouse a lot of controversies and negative criticism when it was awarded the Prize in 1972 , presumably because of its extremely experimental style .

  16. 法院的这种被限制了的权力已经引起了许多人的非议,他们认为提交EIS是“无齿的”要求。

    This limited power of the courts has led many to argue that the filing of an EIS is a " toothless " requirement .

  17. 屡遭非议但往往判断准确的英国气象局(metoffice)指出,鉴于下一个厄尔尼诺事件显然正在酝酿中,并将与人为的气候变化构成叠加效应,2010年很可能打破1998年的纪录。

    With another El Nio apparently developing now and superimposing its effect on man-made climate change it is more likely than not that 2010 will beat the 1998 record , according to the much-maligned but often accurate UK met office .

  18. 其中两件事来自小公司,但是第三件事来自全世界最大的企业之一(近来也是最受非议的企业之一)——亚马逊(Amazon)。

    Two of them came from small companies , but the third came from one of the world 's largest - and recently one of the least popular - organisations : Amazon .

  19. Burbage说像F-35这么大的项目肯定会招来非议。

    Mr Burbage says that a programme as big as the F-35 is bound to attract barbs .

  20. 1877年,左拉(Zola)来到这里,借以逃离世人对他的工人阶级酒鬼主题小说《小酒店》(L'Assommoir)的非议。

    In 1877 , Zola spent time here , escaping the polemics directed against his novel " L'Assommoir , " about a working-class alcoholic .

  21. 不幸的是,我让菲尔·施勒尔(PhilSchiller)发表主题演讲的决定却再次引来了关于我的健康问题的非议,甚至有人传言称我已经病入膏肓。

    Unfortunately , my decision to have Phil deliver the Macworld keynote set off another flurry of rumors about my health , with some even publishing stories of me on my deathbed .

  22. 现在让我们切入正题,金州勇士队,这支在英雄与恶棍的边缘徘徊,遭受着多方非议,无可匹敌的银河战舰,又杀入NBA总决赛了……咦,我为什么要说又呢。

    So now we get to the meat of the thing . The Golden State Warriors , villains , heroes , wonder-team , albatross , the squad too big to fail , have reached the NBA Finals ... again .

  23. 福特Pinto车是一款臭名昭著的车型,但比这更惹非议的是福特公司对人们对70年代小型汽车的安全的担忧的处理方式上。

    The Ford Pinto was a famously bad automobile , but worse still might be Ford 's handling of the safety concerns surrounding the '70s-era subcompact .

  24. 美国漏洞百出的移民体系已经引得众人批评,而H-2B工作签更是招来各方非议。

    Like much of America 's rickety immigration system , the H-2B programme draws scorn from all sides .

  25. 1962年12月小泽受到了著名的日本NHK交响乐团的非议,NHK对他的风格和个性不满并拒绝在他的发挥。

    In December 1962 Ozawa was involved in a controversy with the prestigious Japanese NHK Symphony Orchestra when certain players , unhappy with his style and personality , refused to play under him .

  26. 没错,一直饱受非议的棉服又回来了。

    That 's right , the much-maligned quilted jacket has returned .

  27. 香港的新跑道并非没有招致非议。

    Hong Kong 's new runway is not without its critics .

  28. 他受到众多的非议也许部份是由于人类厌恶改变的天性。

    Maybe part of it is the inherent human dislike of change .

  29. 相反的,描写个人情感、日常生活的小说受到非议。

    Novels depicting personal feelings and daily lives are condemned .

  30. 饱受非议的保障房计划也有可能被赶着鸭子上架。

    The much-maligned social housing programme could be pressed into service too .