
  • 网络Phenacetin
  1. 结果:可同时测定模拟样和复方小儿苯巴比妥片剂试样中阿司匹林、非那西丁、咖啡因和苯巴比妥的各自含量。

    The average recoveries of four components in simulated samples and the compound child phenobarbital tablet The contents of aspirin , phenacetin , caffeine and phenobarbital could be measured simultaneously .

  2. 血浆结合型代谢产物含量改变对非那西丁试验的影响。

    The influence of combined metabolite contents on the phenacetin trials .

  3. 以非那西丁为内标,采用HPLC法测定吡拉西坦(脑复康)片的含量。

    Piracetam tablets were determined by HPLC using phenacetin as internal standard .

  4. 结论在DEN诱发肝癌大鼠,肝细胞严重受损,肝脏体积增大,非那西丁代谢等肝功能试验无明显改变。

    CONCLUSION Liver cells were damaged severely in the rats with DEN induced hepatoma . The liver mass increased without any significant changes in the liver function tests as phenacetin metabolites .

  5. DEN组大鼠血浆非那西丁游离型代谢产物含量高于正常对照组439%(P<001),但结合型+游离型代谢产物总量无明显差别。

    The free type phenacetin metabolites in plasma was higher in DEN group than in normal control group by 43 9 % ( P < 0 01 ), while the total level of free type plus combined type metabolites changed little .

  6. 方法:准确量取复方阿司匹林、安痛定、感克三种滤液1.5mL和非那西丁标准溶液适量,用紫外-可见分光光度计测吸光度A。

    Methods : Accurately take three kinds of filtrate 1.5 mL and the right amount of phenacetin standard aqua , measuring the degree of the absorbency A with ultraviolet ― radiationvisible light spectrophotometry .

  7. 非那西丁在二乙基亚硝胺诱发肝癌大鼠的代谢

    The metabolism of phenacetin in the rats with diethylnitrosamine induced hepatoma

  8. 非那西丁工艺条件对成品质量影响的研究

    The Influence of Technological Processes on the Quality of Phenacetin

  9. 阿斯匹林、非那西丁、咖啡因三组分体系红外光谱修正矩阵的分析

    The Aspirin , Phenacetin and Caffeine three-components systems modified matrix analysis by infrared spectrophotometry

  10. 多元回归分光光度法测定复方乙酰水杨酸片中的非那西丁和咖啡因的含量

    Determination of phenacetin and caffeine in compound acetylsalicylic acid tablets by multiple regression spectrophotometry

  11. 用分光光度法测定复方药物安痛定片、阿司匹林和感克片中非那西丁含量

    The Quantitative Measuring of Phenacetin in Compound Medicament Antongding 、 Aspirin 、 Keganming By Spectrophotometry

  12. 详细介绍活性炭在非那西丁生产中的应用状况。

    The present paper described an application of activated carbon to the phenacetin production in details .

  13. 三重-比导数分光光度法同时测定氨基比林、非那西丁和咖啡因含量的研究

    Study on Simultaneous Determination of Aminopyrine , Phenacetin and Caffeine by Triple Ratio Spectra Derivative Spectrophotometry

  14. 非那西丁的分子印迹-化学发光分析法研究

    Molecular Imprinting-Chemiluminescence Determination of Phenacetin

  15. 比值导数紫外吸收光谱法同时测定复方阿斯匹林片中阿斯匹林、非那西丁和咖啡因

    Simultaneous Determination of Aspirin , Phenacetin and Caffeine in Compound APC by Derivative Ratio UV Adsorption Spectrum Method

  16. 电子计算机在紫外光谱中的应用&阿斯匹林、非那西丁和咖啡因在其混合物中的含量分析

    THE APPLICATION OF COMPUTER IN ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROPHO TOMETRY & Content Analysis of Aspirin , Phenacetin and Caffeine in their Mixture

  17. 结论:本方法快速、简便,所用试剂简单,适用于复方药物中非那西丁单一组分含量的测定。

    Conclusion : This method is fast and simple . be applicable to the measurement of phenacetin from compound prescribe medicine .