
  • 网络surface brightness
  1. 该三个星系团的X射线面亮度观测结果也被用于构建其气体密度和温度分布以作比较。

    The observations of X-ray surface brightness are also used to derive the radial distribution of gas for comparison .

  2. VDT的亮度对比度和屏面亮度在对操作者视觉功能的影响中,存在着交互作用。

    There are interactions in the effects of VDT luminance contrast and screen luminance on operator 's visual performance .

  3. 结果上述三项指标均随VDT屏面亮度和文件背景照度的变化而发生变化。

    It was found that those indexes varied correspondingly with the changes of VDT screen luminance and file background illumination .

  4. 视觉显示终端屏面亮度水平和对比度对视疲劳的影响

    Effects of screen luminance and luminance contrast of VDTs on visual fatigue

  5. 文中从理论上证明了:只要高速显微摄影系统参数选择合理,为保证正确的曝光量,其所需物面亮度仅与放大倍率的一次方成正比。

    It is proved that , if the parameters of the high speed photomicrographic system are chosen reasonably , the necessary brightness of object is proportional to the first power of the spatial magnification .

  6. 结果表明,虫胶果蜡可减少茄子的水分损失,降低腐烂率,抑制呼吸,同时增加果面亮度,提高商品价值。

    The results showed that the shell lac wax had good role in decreasing the loss of water , lowering the rate of decay and inhibiting the rate of respiration . It could also enhance the surface lighteness of eggplant and raise commercialization .

  7. 传统的亮度测量是点对点的测量,近几年,随着CCD的发展,已出现各种形成的面成像亮度测量方法。

    With the development of the CCD , different application of plane imaging luminance measurement is introduced . However , the objects in the real world are three-dimensional .

  8. VDT作业中屏面背景亮度与对比度的交互作用CRT显示颜色编码与色标大小、亮度关系的实验研究

    Relationship Between VDT Performance and Luminance Contrast at Different Levels of Background Luminance on Sereen THE EFFECTS OF TARGET SIZE AND LUMINANCE ON COLOUR CODING IN A CRT DISPLAY

  9. 本文提出了天线口面平均亮度的概念,给出了天线终端接有匹配噪声源和非匹配噪声源时天线口面平均亮温度的表达式。

    This paper presents an idea for the average brightness temperature of antenna aperture and its expression for a lossless antenna with matched and unmatched noise sources .

  10. 多投影面显示系统亮度均衡的实现

    Realization of Intensity Balancing for Multi - projector Display System

  11. 数码成像法测量面发光体亮度

    Measuring surface light source luminance by using digital imaging device SPLIT-PHASE METHOD

  12. 通过一维辐射流体动力学数值模拟,仔细研究了工作介质的初始密度对在氖中传播的强冲击波的波阵面辐射特性、波阵面亮度温度谱分布的作用。

    A set of numerical radiation hydrodynamics computation of the structure of strong waves in neon is described .

  13. 进一步考虑了有限透镜孔径对成像面上成像质量的影响,模拟结果表明:成像面上亮度对比度分布不均匀;且随着透镜孔径大小与厚度的比值减小,像的对比度将会增加。

    The finite aperture effect of these lenses on the imaging performance is also analyzed and the numerical simulation shows the contrast of the image distributes non uniformly and it will increase evidently with the ratio of thickness to aperture decreasing .

  14. 由多个投影面形成的大屏幕显示系统存在诸如不同的投影机之间的亮度响应不一致、拼接重叠区的高亮带以及同一个投影面内的亮度差异等亮度不平衡的问题。

    Large-scale display system based on multi-projectors can provide highly immersive virtual environment . But the problems of intensity response nonuniformity between each projector , the high brightness in the overlap regions and the intensity difference within a projection can be annoying .