
  • 网络Object-oriented System Analysis;OOA;OOSA
  1. 面向对象的系统分析与MIS系统的开发

    The Object-oriented System Analysis and the Development of MIS System

  2. 本文结合在本系统中的应用详细阐述了基于UML的面向对象的系统分析与设计,数据库模型的设计。

    The paper explains the object-oriented system analysis and design based on UML with its application in the system and the database model design .

  3. 为此软件工程界提出面向对象的系统分析和设计,以及使用CASE工具进行建模的方法。

    Therefore , the Object Oriented Analysis Design method and the system modeling method using the Computer Aided Software Engineering tools are advised by the software engineering field .

  4. 介绍了面向对象的系统分析和设计方法、建模工具&统一建模语言(UML-UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)及其集成环境RationalROSE。

    The object-oriented analysis and design methodology , modeling tool - Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) and its Integrated Environment - Rational Rose are introduced too .

  5. PDM的实现依赖各种具体的技术,包括数据库技术,网络技术,面向对象的系统分析等等。

    The realization of PDM depends on various technologies , including technologies of database , network and system analysis object oriented , etc.

  6. 面向对象的系统分析和设计是应用系统开发的新途径,在MIS系统开发中使用面向对象的系统分析和设计将加快系统开发速度,提高软件质量。

    Object-oriented analysis and design method is a new technique for application developing , applying it to MIS developing will increase software productivity and improve its quality .

  7. 运用面向对象的系统分析方法提出入口发卡MIS的硬件分布模式、功能需求和开发及运行平台选择方案。

    Some advises about hardware distributing mode , function demand and scheme of developing and running flat are put forward by using object oriented system analysis method .

  8. 本文所涉及项目希望为各种平台下的Web服务器提供基于角色的访问控制能力,系统在开发时采用了面向对象的系统分析与设计方法,并尝试采用统一软件过程进行项目管理和质量控制。

    Our project wants to provide role-base access control capacity to Web servers in various platforms . The project is developed with Object-Oriented analysis and design , and be done in project management and quality assurance with unified software process .

  9. 城市交通仿真面向对象的系统分析及COAD方法

    Object-oriented Systems Analysis and COAD ′ s Methodology for City Traffic Simulation

  10. 首先指出了LKYY解释系统是采用面向对象的系统分析与设计方法来实现的;

    First , we point out that LK_YY interpret system is realized in use of Object-Oriented system analysis and design .

  11. 本文采用B/S架构,以Web开发为基础,结合AJAX技术和WEBService接口技术,在面向对象的系统分析和设计思想的指导下,阐述了雷电定位查询系统的分析、设计和实现的过程。

    Based on B / S framework and Web GIS platform , applying the AJAX Technology and Web Service Interface technique , this thesis expound the analysis , design and implementation process of the lightning position and query system with the direction of object-oriented systematical analysis and design concept .

  12. 本论文的写作完全依照这个软件的开发过程,从PDM的认识,到拟订研究方向,到面向对象的系统分析,到支撑技术的学习,最后到系统的建模和实现,最后描述了工作的结果。

    The composition of this article is in accordance with the development of the software , from understanding PDM , drawing out research direction , analyzing the object oriented system , studying related technologies to modeling and realizing the system . At last , the result of work is described .

  13. 面向对象的系统分析阶段软件重用的方法探讨

    Exploration on the method of software reuse in object-oriented analysis

  14. 面向对象的系统分析和程序的一种新设计方法

    New Method of Object-oriented System Analysis and Programming Design

  15. 一种层次式面向对象的系统分析模型

    A hierachical model of OBJECT-OBJECT-ORIENTED systems analysis

  16. 面向对象的系统分析与设计。

    Object-oriented system analysis and design ii .

  17. 面向对象的系统分析方法的核心是利用面向对象的概念和方法为软件建造模型。

    The core of object-oriented system analysis method is used the concepts and methods of object-oriented model for software construction .

  18. 在此基础之上,运用面向对象的系统分析方法,结合现代计算机模拟技术,对大型散粮码头工艺计算机模拟系统的设计和实现进行了一定的探索。

    It analyses the grain bulk terminal with the Object Oriented system analysis method , designs and establishes a computer imitation system .

  19. 通过运用面向对象的系统分析与设计方法对行业管理对象特征的分析,说明了行业信息管理系统的特殊性。

    The characters of enterprise management object and the specializations of the EIMS are analyzed by using the method of object-oriented system .

  20. 本文采取面向对象的系统分析与设计方法和面向对象的程序设计方法。

    In the article , the author takes the methods of system analysis and design besides methods of program design faced with the subject .

  21. 系统采用了面向对象的系统分析与设计方法和迭代式软件过程。

    In the course of modeling and developing the system , we apply the Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design methods with an iterate software process .

  22. 分析了系统分析面临的困难和传统的系统分析方法的缺点,介绍了面向对象的系统分析方法。

    The paper analyzes the difficulties in system analysis and shortfalls of traditional system analysis method , and then elucidates the method of object-oriented system analysis .

  23. 应用面向对象的系统分析和设计技术对数控铣削加工仿真系统进行了总体分析和设计。

    We use the technology of object-oriented analysis ( OOA ) and object-oriented design ( OOD ) to analysis and design the system construction and user interface .

  24. 论文采用了面向对象的系统分析、设计和建模方法,向人们展示了一种形象、直观、有效的建立港口系统计算机模拟模型的思路;

    The paper gives people a visual , intuitionist and effective thinking of establishing the simulation model simulating the port system through adopting OOA , OOD and OOM .

  25. 在数控加工过程仿真系统总体设计中,从虚拟加工的功能需求出发,采用面向对象的系统分析和设计方法、数据流分析技术等,拓展和完善了虚拟制造技术研究的理论方法。

    Based on the function require for the VM , the paper adopts Object Oriented Programming ( OOP ) technology in NC machining simulation system and develop the VM technology theory .

  26. 本文首先介绍了项目的研究背景和意义,以及该项目的任务和项目计划;接着,介绍了软件开发过程以及面向对象的系统分析和建模方法。

    Firstly , the thesis discusses the research background and the meaning of the project , and the project tasks and project plan . It describes the software development process and object-oriented systems analysis and modeling method .

  27. 在动态系统安全性分析软件设计需求的基础上,采用面向对象的系统分析和集成的思想,组件化和层次化的实现方式,设计和开发了一种动态系统安全性分析软件平台;

    Based on the system requirements of the dynamic system safety analysis software , adopt it in object oriented analysis and integration way and implement it using modularization and hierarchical methods , a software platform of dynamic safety analysis is designed and developed in the paper .

  28. 用UML实现面向对象的MIS系统分析与设计

    Object-oriented System Analysis and Design of MIS by Using UML

  29. 基于UML的面向对象的软件系统分析、设计与开发技术

    Analysis . Design and Development Technology of Object-oriented Software Based on Unified Modeling Language

  30. 面向对象的KMS系统分析

    Object - oriented analysis in KMS