
  • 网络Revolutionary socialism;Revolution socialism
  1. 在过去30年间主导着政策和政治的各种假定,突然间看上去就像革命社会主义一样过时。

    The assumptions that ruled policy and politics over three decades suddenly look as outdated as revolutionary socialism .

  2. 从实践论来看,安德森始终坚守着革命社会主义的理想,期待着马克思主义理论和工人阶级运动的结合。

    Practically , Anderson always insists on the revolutionary socialism ideal , expects the combination of the Marxist theory and the working class movement .

  3. 索马里革命社会主义党

    Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party

  4. 妇女革命社会主义运动

    Women Revolutionary Socialist Movement

  5. 五四时期知识界围绕中国能否立即实行社会主义的问题所进行的几次大论战,为革命社会主义思潮的广泛传播奠定了思想舆论基础,在中国现代政治思想领域内产生了深远影响。

    The intellectual circles during the May 4th Movement carry out several debates about whether China can take the socialist road , which lay the ideological foundation for the propaganda of socialist thought and have profound influence on modern Chinese political field .

  6. 论科技革命对社会主义历史进程的影响

    On the Influence of Scientific and Technological Revolution to the Socialist History Process

  7. 第三次技术革命与社会主义运动

    The Third Technological Innovation and the Socialist Movement

  8. 革命的社会主义在和工业革命和信息革命相比,得到的关注要少。

    Revolutionary socialism gets less emphasis than the Industrial Revolution and the information revolution .

  9. 这些基本理论观点和实践,有效地推动了我国革命和社会主义现代化建设。

    These fundamental theories and practices effectively drive forward China 's revolution and socialist modernization construction .

  10. 我们必须学好外语,更好地为我国社会主义革命和社会主义建设服务。

    We must learn a foreign language well and serve our socialist revolution and socialist construction better .

  11. 现在,我们反对的是社会主义革命和社会主义建设中的主观主义。

    At present , we are combating subjectivism as found in the socialist revolution and socialist construction .

  12. 他在分析和判断中国基本国情的基础上,在中国革命和社会主义建设的实践中,逐渐形成的重农思想是笔珍贵的财富。

    On the analysis of Chinese basic national situations and in the process of Chinese revolution and socialist building .

  13. 我们的革命和社会主义建设是千百万群众的事业,只有把广大群众动员起来,我们的事业才能成功。

    Revolution and socialist construction are the cause of millions of people ; only when we mobilize the masses , we success .

  14. 马克思主义者肯定中国革命的社会主义前途,但同时明显夸大了中国进行社会主义革命的条件。

    Marxists asserted a socialist future for China , but they obviously exaggerated the conditions for conducting a socialist revolution in China .

  15. 现在的革命是社会主义革命,是为了建设社会主义国家,它找到了这种新形式。

    Our revolution today is a socialist revolution , its aim is to build a socialist country and it has found this new form .

  16. 坚持最低纲领与最高纲领的辩证统一,是我们党在领导革命和社会主义建设过程中得出的一个极其重要的认识。

    Upholding the dialectic unity of the minimum and maximum programs is an important achievement of our party in carrying out the revolution in socialistic construction .

  17. 那末,社会主义革命和社会主义建设好不好?

    The Modern Scientific and Technical Revolution and Socialism as well as Capitalism ; Then , are the socialist revolution and socialist construction good or not ?

  18. 纵观中国历史发展,农民问题始终是中国革命和社会主义建设的根本问题,这一问题的焦点则反映在土地问题上。

    With the review of history , the problem of fanner is the key issue of the revolution and Socialist construction in China , which especially focuses on the problem of land .

  19. 如何正确认识和发挥人民群众创造历史的决定作用是中国革命和社会主义建设能否取得胜利的关键所在。

    It is the key to the victoy of the Chinese revolution and socialist construction to correctly organize and bring into the play the mass 's decisive role of creating the history .

  20. 如何根据我国的具体国情制定正确的对待资本主义的政策,在中国革命和社会主义建设的历史进程中,始终是一个十分重要的理论和实践问题。

    In the course of Chinese revolution and socialist construction , how to form right policies in the utilization of capitalism according to China 's condition is a significant theoretical and practical issue .

  21. 赵树理的小说,表现了中国北方农村从20世纪30年代到60年代的历史变迁,战争、革命和社会主义运动是文本的基本框架。

    Zhao Shu-li 's novels , in which war , revolution and socialist movement are the basic frame , express the historical changes in Chinese northern rural areas from the 1930s to 1960s .

  22. 党的第一代领导集体团结、教育、改造的人才资源思想曾在中国革命和社会主义改造中起到了非常重要的作用,丰富和发展了马克思主义的人才思想宝库。

    As a development of Marxist theory of talent resources , the " unite-educate-reform " policy of the first generation of the CPC leaders played an important role in Chinese Revolution and Socialist Transformation .

  23. 那样,我们遇到什么困难、什么风险都不怕,我们的社会主义革命和社会主义建设事业,一定能够得到充分的发展。

    If we are successful in this , we will be able to surmount any difficulty and endure any storm , and our socialist revolution and construction will be able to develop to the full .

  24. 五四时期,马克思主义开始在中国广泛传播,从此成为中国人民进行革命和社会主义建设的强大思想武器。

    Abstract Marxism began to spread in China around the May 4th Movement in 1919 , and has ever since been the strong ideological weapon for the Chinese people in their revolution and socialist construction .

  25. 1924年颁布的苏联宪法是人类历史上第一部社会主义宪法,它的历史意义无疑是巨大的,它以法律的形式巩固了十月革命和社会主义建设的成果。

    The Constitution of the Soviet Union promulgated in 1924 is the first socialist constitution in human history and therefore has great historical significance since it has strengthened the fruits of the October revolution and socialist construction .

  26. 除此之外,我国发展的历史背景决定了我国在实践过程中更多地马克思主义理论运用于社会主义革命和社会主义经济建设中,而忽略了与道德发展的融合。

    In addition , the decision of the historical background of the development process of practice in our country more used Marxist theory of socialist revolution and socialist economic construction , to the neglect of moral development and integration .

  27. 总之,红歌是中国人民在中国革命和社会主义建设历程中沉淀而成的经典歌曲,它将引发人们对主流文化、红色经典如何传承和发扬的深层次思考。

    In a word , " Revolutionary Songs " is the classical songs ; it is the precipitation of Chinese revolution and socialist construction , it initiates Chinese deep thinking in the mainstream culture and the inheritance and development of the red classics .

  28. 首先要把这个问题搞清楚,要把我讲的这三个问题搞清楚:社会主义革命和社会主义建设的成绩,几亿人民作的事情究竟好不好?

    First and foremost , they must get a clear idea about this and about the three questions I am raising here : are the achievements of the socialist revolution and socialist construction , the work accomplished by several hundred million people , good or not ?

  29. 老挝人民革命党对社会主义的认识和实践

    Understanding and Practice of Lao People 's Revolutionary Party about Socialism

  30. 科技革命与苏联社会主义模式的兴衰

    Scientific-Technological Revolution and the Rise and Decline of Soviet Union 's Socialist Mode