
róu zhì
  • tanning;tannage;taw
鞣制[róu zhì]
  1. 据中国国有电视台中央电视台(ChinaCentralTelevision)报道,这些胶囊是用含有工业明胶的皮革下脚料生产的,制革厂在鞣制皮革时要使用含铬的化学制剂。

    The capsules were made from leather scraps containing industrial gelatin that uses chromium as part of the tanning process , according to China 's state-run China Central Television .

  2. 本文研究了八甲基环四硅氧烷(D4)在皮革鞣制、复鞣中的应用。

    The action of D 4 in tanning and retanning was studied in this paper .

  3. 扬子鳄鞣制皮革和鳞片的DNA提取方法

    A method for DNA extraction from tannage and scales of Chinese alligator Alligator sinensis

  4. 示差扫描量热法(DSC)研究乙烯基类聚合物/蒙脱土纳米复合鞣剂的鞣制机理

    Study on Tanning Mechanism of Vinyl Polymer / Montmorillonite Nano-tanning Agent with DSC

  5. 利用不同的实验材料提取适合研究的DNA是保护遗传学研究的基础,而对于鞣制皮革,用常规的DNA提取方法很难提到适合于研究的DNA样品。

    DNA extraction from different specimens is the foundation of conservation genetics . It is difficult to extract total DNA from tannage of Chinese alligator with usual method .

  6. 用高浓度的植物鞣液鞣制裸皮,不会发生过鞣现象;同理,高pH值状态下的高浓度铬鞣,也不会产生过鞣现象。

    Overtanned leather can 't be produced in leather tanning by high concentration tannin , as the same as in high pH chrom tanning with high concentration .

  7. 丙烯酸树脂与THP盐结合鞣制工艺的研究

    Combined Tannage with THP Salt and Acrylic Resin

  8. RP-HPLC法测定叶下珠中没食子酸、柯里拉京和鞣花酸的含量用树皮丹尼酸鞣制毛皮。

    Quantitative determination of gallic acid , corilagin and ellagic acid in Phyllanthus Urinaria by RP-HPLC tan ( a skin ) with bark tannins .

  9. 钛鞣剂、钛鞣法及鞣制机理的研究(I)钛(IV)盐鞣性的理论分析及钛鞣法的发展前景

    Research on Titanium Tanning Agent , Tanning Methods and Tanning Mechanism ( I ) Theoretical Analysis of the Tanning Power of Titanium () Salt and Developing Prospects of Titanium Tannage

  10. 结果表明,在一定pH值条件下,超声波作用可提高无铬鞣试样的Ts,且可缩短鞣制时间,提高效率。

    The results indicated that at certain pH the ultrasonic wave assistant tanning increased the Ts of the leather , furthermore the tanning time was shortened thus the tanning effect increased .

  11. 鞣制采用稀土一KMC结合鞣法以及使用发泡感强,柔软丰满性好的材料,进行配合使用。

    In tanning process , RE-KMC combination tannage was used .

  12. Rhizophora树皮能够生产出很好的、适用于皮革鞣制的单宁。

    Rhizophora bark produces very fine tannin suitable for leather work .

  13. 在试验基础上确定较优化的结合鞣条件为:4%合成鞣剂DDS预鞣,10%的荆树皮栲胶鞣制,再用2%的改性戊二醛复鞣。

    The optimal tanning conditions were obtained : 4 % syntan DDS for pretanning , 10 % mimosa extract for tanning and 2 % modified glutaraldehyde for retanning ;

  14. THPC鞣制作用的研究

    Study on Tanning Action of THPC

  15. 以(NH4)2S2O8-NaHSO3作引发剂,用丙烯酸丁酯和丙烯酸铈()对明胶进行乳液接枝共聚鞣制。

    The graft copolymeric tanning of gelatin with cerous triacrylate and butyl acrylate using ( NH_4 ) _2S_2O_8 / NaHSO_3 redox system as an initiator in emulsion polymerization was performed .

  16. 当提碱pH为7.5时,试样的Ts达82.7℃。超声波鞣制的合适反应条件为超声强度200W,超声时间60min。

    The Ts of the leather reached 82.7 ℃ when tanning pH is 7.5.The applicable tanning condition is that the intensity of the ultrasonic wave of 200 w and the tanning time is 60 min.

  17. 研究了在不浸酸鞣制过程中,鞣液的pH值、紫外吸收以及皮内各层的pH值和相变温度的变化规律,以进一步认识不浸酸铬鞣剂的鞣制机理。

    To understand the tanning mechanism of no-pickling chrome tannage , the variation of pH value and ultraviolet spectra of tanning liquor during the chrome tanning without pickling were studied . Also , the pH value and phase transition temperature in different layer of leather were measured in the experiment .

  18. 本文所试验的C-2000铬鞣剂是一种专为浸酸鞣制而研制的新型铬鞣剂,它适合于各种鞋面革在软化后直接进行鞣制。

    A new kind of chrome tanning agent , C-2000 tanning agent , was specially made for the chrome tannage without pickling .

  19. 本文作者查阅了国外常见的低铬污染鞣制法的文献,在此基础上,通过试验确定了切实可行的使用FK-Ⅱ柔软型聚合物鞣剂预鞣的低铬污染鞣制工艺。

    Abstract Having refered to a great deal of preference on foreign popular less chrome pollution tannage methods , the authors determined the technology of feasible less chrome pollution tannage through several experiments .

  20. 通过对比明胶被THPC、甲醛和铬盐处理后的等电点变化趋势,分析了THPC鞣制效应,最后可确定THPC与皮胶原的鞣制机理。

    The change trends of glutin isoelectric point after treated with THPC , formaldehyde and chrome salt were researched and the results showed that the tanning property of THPC was good .

  21. 通过小试及中试,将不浸酸铬鞣剂C-2000用于牛皮的鞣制,并且与常规浸酸铬鞣方法做了对比。

    C - 2 0 0 0 , a new type chrome tanning powder without pickling was used in cattle hide processing in small - scale and pilot test .

  22. 本文初步研究了丙烯酸系列复鞣剂PAASⅠ、PAASⅡ、PAASⅢ及PAASⅣ在皮革鞣制中的应用,对PAAS复鞣剂与皮胶原的作用机理进行了简单讨论。

    In this paper , we have studied the application of the retanning agents of polyacrylic acid series PAAS 1 , PAAS 2 , PAAS 3 , PAAS 4 in leather tanning and we also have preliminarily discussed the combining mechanism of PAAS retanning agents with hide collagen .

  23. 实验证明,在鞣制末期和复鞣中直接应用D4,可使成革质量明显提高,并有利于铬的吸收,降低废液中的铬含量。

    The experiments showed that D 4 can be used in tanning and retanning stage , it has cooperative effect when retanning with chrome liquor thus good to improve the resultant leather quality , lower the chrome content of waste retanning liquor and reduce the environment pollution .

  24. 黄牛正软鞋面革无铬鞣制工艺探讨

    Exploration of no-chrome tannage technology for cattle grain soft shoes leather

  25. X-射线衍射法研究丙烯酸类聚合物鞣制机理

    Study on Tanning Mechanism of Acrylic Polymer with X-ray Diffraction Method

  26. 异种生物瓣膜生物材料鞣制的研究

    A research into the tanning of biological materials for heterogenic biovalves

  27. 清洁化皮革真空鞣制技术的研究

    Study on the Vacuum - tanning Technique of Cleansing Leather

  28. 关于山区养貉技术的研究甲醛鞣制花狸皮工艺初探

    A Study on Processing Technique of Tanning Racoon Dog Hide With Formaldehyde

  29. 有机膦鞣制技术在绵羊服装革生产工艺中的应用

    Application of Organic Phosphine Tanning Technology on Sheepskin Garment Leather

  30. 少铬鞣制新方法的研究

    The study on the new method of less chrome tannage