
yīn yuè tǐ cái
  • types of music;forms of music
  1. 弗朗兹·李斯特(FranzLiszt)是19世纪欧洲浪漫主义音乐家的杰出代表,他首创了交响诗这一新的音乐体裁。

    Franz Liszt is an outstanding representative of the 19th century European Romantic Musicians , he pioneered a new music form , the " symphonic poem " .

  2. 语言与命名&话语变动中的西方音乐体裁史扫描

    Scanning Over the Changing Utterance in the History of Western Musical Genres

  3. 他还首创了一种别出心裁的音乐体裁&钢琴套曲形式。

    He also pioneered an ingenious musical genre - piano divertimento form .

  4. 他首创《无词歌》这一音乐体裁形式。

    He first 《 Songs without Words 》 The music genre forms .

  5. 音乐体裁的学理探究论纲&以西方音乐的体裁现象为例

    Outlined Studies of the Laws in Musical Genres with Cases in Western Music

  6. 其次,对西洋复调音乐体裁&《序曲与赋格》作了一些必要的介绍。

    The next , introduced the Preludes and Fugues .

  7. 西方音乐体裁生成、流变的历史动因研究

    A Research on the Historical Reasons of Western Music Genres Formation and Change

  8. 当时还有其他音乐体裁吗?

    Any other genres at that time ?

  9. 经过近一个世纪的探索和创新艺术歌曲这一音乐体裁,在中国这片土地上结出了丰硕的艺术硕果。

    By a century of exploration and innovation , the art songs had made great achievements .

  10. 他的作品数量超过170多部,涉及众多音乐体裁。

    He composed more than one hundred of seventy works , which referred to several music genres .

  11. 第2章讨论了某些声音、语音修辞和音乐体裁的文体效果。

    Chapter 2 Sound Effects illustrates the special functions of some symbolic sounds , phonological figures and musical genres .

  12. 钢琴叙事曲这种音乐体裁,由肖邦首创,这一古老的音乐体裁具有重要的艺术价值。

    Piano ballad this music genre , pioneered by Chopin , this ancient music genre has important value of art .

  13. 声乐练声曲不仅是一种特殊的音乐体裁形式,更是一类十分重要的声乐演唱训练材料。

    Training Tunes are not only a special form of music , but also a very important training material in Vocality .

  14. 夜曲则是肖邦最具代表性并独具风格的音乐体裁之一,而且以其富于诗意、优美如歌的旋律著称于世。

    Although Nocturne , one of the most representative music genres , is well-known for its beautiful melody full of poetic flavor .

  15. 使用一种或几种中国乐器与管弦乐队搭配进行创作是近些年来乐坛十分流行的音乐体裁形式。

    Using symphony orchestra associated with one or several Chinese instruments is a very popular music combination for music composition in these years .

  16. 它是一种庞大而古老的音乐体裁,是音乐与戏剧的最高综合形式。

    It is a large and ancient music genre , and is also the highest form of the combination of music and drama .

  17. 甚至,歌曲作为音乐体裁之一,在电影中起到其它手段无法达到的作用。

    Even as one of the music genres , the songs in the film played the role can not be achieved by other means .

  18. 斯卡拉蒂一生中作有555着键盘奏鸣曲,其体裁范围涉及之广,可谓是欧洲巴罗克音乐体裁的大宝库。

    Mr. Scarlatti composed 555 keyboard sonatas which have been called a great treasure in European Baroque 's styles owing to the variety of styles .

  19. 交响曲这一大型的音乐体裁,是肖斯塔科维奇音乐创作中所使用的最为重要的体裁之一,它在肖斯塔科维奇的创作中承担了许多的社会功能、文化内涵及象征意义。

    The symphony is one of the most important genres that he used , which carried many social functions , cultural significance and symbolic meaning .

  20. 协奏曲作为西方交响音乐体裁的形式之一,在与中国传统的民族乐器结合后,产生了具有中国特色的内涵。

    " Concerto " as one of the Western symphony genres , creates the " Chinese style " concept after integrating with Chinese traditional instrument .

  21. 其创作几乎涉及了所有的音乐体裁和形式,主要的音乐作品是交响乐、舞剧音乐和歌剧。

    His creation embraces all the music forms , and his most important music works are symphony , music in dance - drama , and opera .

  22. 在这部钢琴套曲中,作曲家融入了这种音乐体裁,也将中国深厚文化的底蕴积累的情绪融入其中。

    In this piano melody , into the music genre composer , will China deep cultural inside information of accumulation of emotion is blended in among them .

  23. 体裁是艺术作品的种类和样式,音乐体裁是一个揭示音乐作品形式、结构及情感内容的概念。

    Genres is musical works category and mode , music genres is a construct that reveal the musical works form and structure , emotional factor and traits .

  24. 中国歌剧是一门综合性的艺术,它集生活性、社会性、思想性、时代性和艺术性为一体,是与中华民族文化和其他姊妹艺术相结合的一种音乐体裁。

    With an integration of being lifelike , social , thoughtful and artistic , Chinese opera is a musical form weaving together traditional Chinese culture and other sister arts .

  25. 全文共分四部分,分别从创作背景、音乐体裁、创作特点、演奏和教学进行分析,并在其中插入了美学分析。

    Paper is divided into four parts , respectively , from creative backgrounds , music genres , creative features , performance analysis and teaching , and insert the aesthetic analysis .

  26. 艺术歌曲是19世纪初盛行于欧洲的一种独特音乐体裁,在整个声乐发展史上占据着极其重要的地位。

    Art song is a unique music genre flourished in Europe in the early 19th century , occupies a very important place in the history of vocal music as a whole .

  27. 由此,本文将从交叉学科入手,从多维度、多层次、全面深入地探究影响西方音乐体裁生成、流变的历史动因。

    Therefore , this study is going to explore the historical reason that affect western music genres generation and change , through the multi-demension and multi-level ways , which based on interdiscipline .

  28. 在结论部分,将对音乐体裁发挥修辞效力的合理性、丰富性、有效性、普遍性、规律性等问题加以概括和总结。

    At last , in the conclusion , several qualities of the rhetoric application of musical genre , such as its rationality , fertility , validity , universality and regularity , are explained .

  29. 叙事曲是欧洲一种古老的音乐体裁,是根据诗歌的某种固定格式作成的一种歌曲,以内容的叙事性和复调音乐写法为特色。

    Ballade is European musical style with long history , which is a kind of song based on a certain fixed form of poetry , and its characteristic is narrative content and a writing skill of the polyphonic music .

  30. 他的音乐创作体裁广泛、风格独特,二十六首钢琴练习曲贯穿于他一生的创作中,从一个侧面反映出他音乐风格变化的轨迹。

    Owning a broad genres and a unique style on musical creation , he has composed 26 etudes and made them run through his life , which on the hand reflects the changeful trail of his musical style .