
  • 网络Music City;The City of Music;Nashville, Tennessee Music City
  1. 这是一个完美兵役局方式多元化的音乐和我们为什么音乐城。

    This first class of inductees represents in a perfect way the diversity of our music and why we are Music City .

  2. 您知道吧,维也纳是个音乐城。

    You know Vienna is a city of music .

  3. 凝固的音乐&宏城花园会所装饰工程腐殖酸对淤泥固化效果的影响及其机理

    MUSIC SOLIDIFIED Influence of Humic Acid on Solidification Effect of Solidified Silt and Influence Mechanism

  4. 音乐台北&建城百年的历史回响

    Musical Taipei : Historical Echo of 100 Years of the City The History of Taishan Mountain

  5. 我记得她喜欢听音乐,所以我送给她一些淘儿音乐城的CD优待券。

    I remember that she likes to listen to music , so I 'm sending her a few CD coupons from Tower Records .